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Opinions needed!

Sun Jun 27, 2004 7:41 pm

Hello, I am looking for some opinions of my website, and ways it could be improved...
I would really appreciate any comments, and I am quite happy to look at other people's pages too.
The site address is
Thanks. :)

Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:32 pm

Sorry if this offends you...

to tell u the truth I dont really like it. I like some of your images though.
Here are my reasons.
1. Its too dark (red with black doesn't mix well)
2. There are huge white borders in mozilla and small ones in IE (Try making them black or a dark grey)
3. Get rid of the splash (just design for all resolutions)
4. Never put the navigation in a drop down list
5. Never put a scroll bar inside of a scroll bar.
6. never have scrolling text or a visible hit counter.

These are just my personal beliefs and others might disagree.
The site would be OK if the text was readable, the white borders were gone, and you got rid of the Bravenet stuff.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:58 pm

This did not offend me at all :) I was in need of some criticism, otherwise I would not have come across these problems.
I can see that the whole website layout could do with a makeover.

If anybody else has more opinions, I would be happy to hear them.

Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:36 pm

unclekyky wrote:Sorry if this offends you...

to tell u the truth I dont really like it. I like some of your images though.
Here are my reasons.
1. Its too dark (red with black doesn't mix well)
2. There are huge white borders in mozilla and small ones in IE (Try making them black or a dark grey)
3. Get rid of the splash (just design for all resolutions)
4. Never put the navigation in a drop down list
5. Never put a scroll bar inside of a scroll bar.
6. never have scrolling text or a visible hit counter.

These are just my personal beliefs and others might disagree.
The site would be OK if the text was readable, the white borders were gone, and you got rid of the Bravenet stuff.

if it's hard to design at all resolutions, i suggest you use javascript to determine the resolution. If javascript is disabled, just use 800x600 as default because it is the most used resolution

Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:37 am

thats what i ment :oops: : if u design for 800x600 it will work in the majoridy of resolutions....

Sat Jul 03, 2004 4:29 pm

Other than what Unclekyky has pointed out, I think it is not so bad. I think you should concentrate more on the colour scheme and the splash page.

Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:51 pm

The scrolling text and fire border is distracting. If the fire border was darker it'd be fine.

Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:30 am

the site just suxed...
the navigation shudnt be a drop down menu

Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:54 pm

Eternal_Confusion wrote:the site just suxed...
the navigation shudnt be a drop down menu

I don't think the site in particular 'suxed'. It's very informative. I just think the colour scheme could be a bit lighter.

Sat Jul 10, 2004 3:12 pm

unclekyky wrote:Sorry if this offends you...

to tell u the truth I dont really like it. I like some of your images though.
Here are my reasons.
1. Its too dark (red with black doesn't mix well)
2. There are huge white borders in mozilla and small ones in IE (Try making them black or a dark grey)
3. Get rid of the splash (just design for all resolutions)
4. Never put the navigation in a drop down list
5. Never put a scroll bar inside of a scroll bar.
6. never have scrolling text or a visible hit counter.

These are just my personal beliefs and others might disagree.
The site would be OK if the text was readable, the white borders were gone, and you got rid of the Bravenet stuff.

You shouldn't criticize based on your own personal liking.
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