Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:15 pm
Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:23 am
Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:59 pm
Temiko wrote:I could but I'd like to point out before I bury myself in coding that if you use table coding for that you'll be left with pretty much no characters left for actually updating with (4000 character limit) seeing as you're asking for 6 blog areas as well as an image map. -.0 Might wanna consider that first.
Also worth noting that if you line up all the text boxes i.e. move givaways down to line up with the others and make the news box edge line up with the left hand links edge and the right hand council edge you'll reduce the amount of coding needed.
Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:59 am
<table width="450" height="700" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="">
<td colspan="9" width="450" height="7"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td colspan="2" width="122" height="22"></td>
<td colspan="5" width="220"><img src="" width="220" height="22" border="0" usemap="#links">
<map name="links">
<area shape="rect" coords="148,0,220,22" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="78,0,145,22" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,75,22" href="">
<td colspan="2" width="108"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td colspan="9" height="263"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td colspan="6" width="288" height="50"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="4" width="154" height="311"><div style="width: 154px; height: 311px; overflow: auto;">
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
Givaways here.<br />
<td rowspan="4" width="8" height="311"></td>
<td width="1" height="50"></td>
<td width="4" height="148"></td>
<td colspan="4" width="277"><div style="width: 277px; height: 148px; overflow: auto;">
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
News here.<br />
<td width="7"></td>
<td width="1"</td>
<td colspan="6" width="288" height="14"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="4" height="131"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="2" width="137"><div style="width: 137px; height: 131px; overflow: auto;">
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
Links here.<br />
<td rowspan="2" width="10"></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="130"><div style="width: 130px; height: 131px; overflow: auto;">
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
Council here.<br />
<td rowspan="2" width="7"></td>
<td width="1" height="99"></td>
<td colspan="2" width="154" height="32"></td>
<td width="8"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td colspan="9" height="62"></td>
<td width="1"></td>
<td width="4" height="1"></td>
<td width="118" height="1"></td>
<td width="19" height="1"></td>
<td width="10" height="1"></td>
<td width="130" height="1"></td>
<td width="7" height="1"></td>
<td width="54" height="1"></td>
<td width="100" height="1"></td>
<td width="8" height="1"></td>
Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:31 am