Got a little techonology problem that you need fixed pronto? Post it here and we'll see what we can do.
Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:19 am
Hey Windows users, you know how your Start bar in XP can be blue, silver, or green, right? Is there any way I can make mine brick red, or at least some kind of orange/red tint to match my current desktop? I tried looking on a few sites and found nothing. Can you guys help?
Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:45 am
think I used
WindowBlinds on my old computer. It lets you "skin" Windows, and there's heaps of themes to choose from. It seems to have gone a bit more ad-dy recently though, I'm not sure... and it might be more than you want. When I tried it, it was pretty good though
Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:18 pm
Hmm...that is kinda what I'm looking for (I don't need to be able to create tons of different themes), but I'd prefer it if it was free. I'm a poor college student...I can't be wasting my money on computer themes!
Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:05 pm
Windowblinds has a trial version as well.
The thing I liked about it was that even after I removed the program my task bar stayed the same color, minus the fancy design of the Windowblinds theme I had been using.
Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:16 pm
Ok, I'm trying that for now. I've got a fancy black-ish one for now that works too. Thanks!
Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:51 pm
Yeah, I only had the trial version too, and that was fine for me

There was a window that popped up whenever I logged in, but that didn't bother me too much... it was only there for a few seconds, but Windows looked 10x prettier for the rest of the time!
Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:27 pm
There's a simpler way. You can change theme colors (there are more if you change to the classic Windows interface. You can also further change more things like fonts, colors, etc from there)
I don't like WindowsBlinds. Frankly, its really cpu/memory intensive. A simpler way would be to download this program that patches a .dll file that prevents you from changing your theme to one that is not licensed (essentially, owned/created by Microsoft). Patching it is not illegal as far as I know. Follow the instructions, and then you can download these files called 'Visual Styles'. Follow the instructions for installation, and wallah! Pretty. Besides, it's free, and there are thousands to choose from. For example, I get my visual styles from DeviantArt. It's pretty cool.
Anyone can PM me for more info.
EDIT: Dun dun dun.... IT'S FREE!
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