I mean like how I coded my userlookup blog:
<table width="454" height="403" border="0" background="http://www.i-love-dogs.com/dog/fiddelysquat/quietpoeblog.gif">
<td width="454" height="159">
<td width="454" height="199">
<div style="width:448; height:199; overflow:auto; font-family:verdana; font-size:x-small;
color:hotpink; scrollbar-face-color: hotpink;
scrollbar-highlight-color: pink;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: white;
scrollbar-shadow-color: red;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: darkred;
scrollbar-track-color: black;
scrollbar-arrow-color: black;">
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=Sen">Vote for Sen?</a><br><br>
Hello! I'm Quietpoe. I'm a 16-year-old girl from the USA. I've been playing Neopets for around 4 years, so this isn't my first account. I usually hang out in the Help Chat. Feel free to neomail me if you have any Neopets-related questions.
<b>Can I have some NPs?</b><br>
No. Please don't ask.<br><br>
<b>Can I have some items?</b><br>
I usually give people items randomly when I see them posting in the Help Chat, but if you neomail me asking for one, you won't get it.<br><br>
<b>Do you have other accounts? What are they?</b><br>
My other accounts are edwardsciss0rhands, _kotet_, and sploobles.<br><br>
<b>Can I adopt Sen, Techli, or Beauvrae?</b><br>
Sen, Techli, and Beauvrae will NEVER be up for sale. I always have a fourth pet that I spruce up with the lab ray and stick back in to the pound, but I never promise it to anyone.<br><br>
<b>WOW! Sen has a Faellie, Techli has an Ona, and Beauvrae has an Eustabee! Can I have/buy them?</b><br>
No. The only items for sale on this account are in my shops, trades, or auctions. <br><br>
<b>Where did you get your user lookup?</b><br>
I made it myself. Please do NOT use it. Free lookups are available at places like dream-graphix <br><br>
<b>Will you make me a lookup/draw me a picture/make me a webpage/graphic?</b><br>
Sorry, but no. I'm too busy.
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