Inexistence wrote:
Here's the problem.
My brother has changed my account to Limited, and now I can't download anything. My parents won't do anything about it and my brother has a password. I think I remember reading something about tricking the computer into thinking you are an administrator by entering something into the Command Prompt.
I can't remember what it was but if anyone knows how I can fix this problem please PM me or reply here.
I think I said something about this before. Here's how to do it:
Start -> Run -> Enter in 'cmd' or 'command'.
Type: control userpasswords2
Note that there is no space between 'userpasswords' and '2'.
This will bring up a box. Click on your account name, then 'properties'. Click on the 'Group Membership' tab, and then either set yourself as 'Standard User' or 'Other -> Administators'. Click 'apply' and the problem should be fixed. Let me know if it worked.
NOTE: For other users with Limited accounts set by parents, I don't recommend doing this. It might get you into trouble. ;x
Robert wrote:
Cassi wrote:
We got a new computer a few days ago. Today was the first time I tried to use the microphone, and it's not registering at all.
There's definitly nothing wrong with the mic, I used it for ages on the old computer, plus I tried a new one which also didn't work. I've tried running all the sound test type things I can find - the ones on the computer and on instant message programs.
My stepdad said this has happened with every new computer he's had, but he can never remember how to fix it. He tried everything he could think of, but no luck.
Anyone have any ideas?
I'm having the same problem, so if anyone can sugest anything, I would also appreciate it

Is it possible that you don't have Plug&Play enabled? (Assuming that you are running Windows).
Try this:
Start -> Run -> Type: msconfig
The System Configuration Utility should pop up. Click on the 'Services' tag. Scroll down and find 'Plug and Play'. See if the box next to it is checked. If it's not, check it and click 'Apply'. Restart and see if it works.
If that doesn't help, go to the Control Panel -> Printers and Other Hardware. Then, 'Add Hardware'. See if the computer can detect it.
Beyond that, I dunno.