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Hey, I'm new!

Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:38 pm

Hi, I'm Boggsprings (aka Lizzy on NC). I've been lurking here for a while now & I like what I've seen so far, so have decided to join. ^_^

Umm, a little about me. I'm 19, 5'7", have straight medium-dark brown hair, green/hazel eyes, & I wear glasses. Besides playing on Neopets, I love to read mysteries, classics, & christian novels, sing, watch movies, listen to oldies music, & swinging. My favorite sports are baseball & ice skating. And my favorite animals are dogs, horses, & white tigers.


Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:00 pm

Hey there and welcome to PPT. Another de-lurker, yay! :) I really like white tigers as well. *pokes your avatar* ^_^

Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:57 am

Welcome to PPT


*stuffs you in a crate sends you to Siberia to 'play' with the tigers*
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