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Hello! New here! What can I say? :P

Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:29 pm

Hiya! I guess I'm gonna introduce myself a bit. I want to make a postie anyway.

I'm 18. Just turned 18 yesterday. n_n And it was my dad's birthday, too. ^^ I should have posted yesterday when I joined...

I'm shy and friendly.

Umm, I enjoy making graphix. I like most kinds of music. I like a bunch of anime that I can reach by tv or manga/books. Recently, I've been enjoying Naruto and Samurai Champloo. -> That show is funny and kool. The main guys are hot. xD

I used to be really active in Neopets and I used to have a domain called In it, I had Dewdrop Designs where I had neoshop blogs. domain expired so the site's still up, but not updated anymore. Anyone know what I'm talking about?? xD;;

And I'm not so active in Neopets anymore. I prolli shouldn't go back to it though, cuz I am going to college in the fall and I don't have much time.

So what am I doing here??? I dunno. Seems like a nice place. My friend dragged me here. Just kidding! n_n;;; Actually, she just invited me to check out this forum and I'm like "Sure, I'll join. xP"

Well, that's a bit about me. :3

Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:47 pm

Hullo, welcome to PPT!
Yus I dragged you here. >:D
Hopefully you'll stay here long and stick around for some PPT events in the future. <33

Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:54 pm

Hey, welcome to PPT! :)

I've talked to you before on NNV. But hi anyway! I'm sure you'll have a great time here; everyone's really nice and friendly. ^^;;

Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:21 am

Hehee, Rikio! n_n

PPT Events??? :O Interesting. ^^

Anubis ~> Hello! n_n It does seem like everyone is great. ^^

Thanks for the welcome, you two! <3

Even tho I said I prolli wouldn't check Neopets much anymore...I might for now. :D For the summer, wateva. ;)

Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:29 am

Yes we're all <s>evil</s> really nice here!

Welcome to <s>your doom</s> PPT!


Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:56 pm

Hehee, thanks for the welcome! :D

Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:50 am

You like Naruto? <3
We will get along very well. Muwhahahaha!
Welcome to PPT, enjoy your stay. ^_____^

Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:16 am

*Just sits down staring at your avatar*

Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:13 am

cool avatar.
It looks like you'll enjoy hanging around in the avatar and sig requests board

Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:49 pm

AFI_Sorrow wrote:You like Naruto? <3
We will get along very well. Muwhahahaha!
Welcome to PPT, enjoy your stay. ^_____^

Hehe, yuppers. I can tell you like it too, by your set.

n_n Thanks for the welcome.

Christopher and arogance1 ~> LOL, er...thanks about my avatar. xP And maybe so.... I kinda like NNV right now. :D

Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:28 pm

Uh-oh, another awesome graphic-maker. :o Welcome to PPT, and enjoy your stay. By the way Rikio, your set is fabulous.

Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:09 pm

LOL xD :roflol: I hope I do enjoy my stay. ;D

I like your set, btw.

Re: Hello! New here! What can I say? :P

Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:20 am

Welcome to the forums and happy belated birthday, Sweet Pea! Rikio seems to know nice people. I hope you and your father had good birthdays. :)

I'm not sure if I heard of or not. Maybe it's my imagination that I did. Anyway, I hope the Graphics board is to your liking, as well as Anime and so on. I watched a bit of Naruto before and I like it, although I can't access it too well.

Enjoy the rest of your stay! If you have any problems, questions or a desire to chat, feel free to PM me. (Although I might take a while to respond because I'm going on holiday and all that jazz.)

Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:21 am

Welcome to the forums!

I love your avatar... and the set that Rikio got you to make for me. You're talented :3

Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:05 am

Hey welcome to PPT!

I love the sets you made! Your such an awesome graphics maker, I'm sure your going to fit right in here :)

:hug: Welcome again!
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