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Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:19 pm

hey i just joined yesterday. I got no clue how i missed this board!

Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:45 pm

Hiya and welcome to the PPT Forums! ^.^ Have a cookie.

Oh, I missed this board completely when I was new (at least, I think missed it, or I might have just ignored it.) Never, ever introduced or re-introduced myself at PPT ... :/

Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:40 pm

Nice sig. Reminds me of the farside cartoon with him in a jar of ether.



Welcome to PPT.

Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:23 pm

Location: In one of those big square rooms w/ a rubber ducky in the courner


..Wait..I think I'm in the same room. :o

Welcome to PPT

Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:51 pm

Heyy there!! I love your siggy, especially the subtext. It's so meaningful!! I just love wishes and everything like that. Which was why I used to have a siggy of a shooting star floating down from the sky. =D Actually, I wanted that because I saw fireworks a few days ago and wrote a poem about them where they were turned into shooting stars =O.

Anyways, I can probably go on and on about random things ;). So Welcome to PPT, and I hope you have fun posting!

Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:16 am

Hello and welcome to the forums, J_M! I also missed the board for a few days at first when I first joined. I introduced myself ... then forgot about that topic completely. :P

Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:43 pm

Hey welcome!
I guess it's bad you've missed this board but I'll forgive you! Lol
Seriously, I am Caro Ad it's nice to meet ya! Have fun!
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