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Tis I.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:37 am

Hello. I am here because last night/morning I stayed up late and someone *coughTomatiecough* took advantage of my sleep deprived state. This is not the first forum I've gone to, and certainly not the first neopets based one either. My username on Neopets, if you were wondering, is Skoffin. Anyway, this is a slow thinking day for me, so if there is anything you would like to know, don't hesitate to ask.

Oh, and I've had the habit of writing in red ever since I first started going to forums, so it's too late to stop now.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:41 am

Hiya and welcome to PPT, Apocalypse! ^.^

And I have the habit of having constant brain lapses, resulting in extreme stupidity sometimes ever since I joined PPT, and that's too late to stop now too.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:58 am

_jade_em_ wrote:Hiya and welcome to PPT, Apocalypse! ^.^

And I have the habit of having constant brain lapses, resulting in extreme stupidity sometimes ever since I joined PPT, and that's too late to stop now too.

Well then, just join me in throwing apples at Tomatie, that'll make everything all better.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:26 am

Hi and welcome to PPT! Lol the red font makes me think of a vampire because it looks like blood O_O. (maybe I'm just weird)

Anyways, hope you have fun posting! I love your name (Apocalypse) by the way.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:44 am

Anyway, where do I go to collect my free pack of Tim Tams. I remember it saying while I was registering that I would recieve some Tim Tams, now cough 'em up!

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:04 am

"Have you brought the sacred bottlecaps of Ashkar? NO? Well until you do you shall not recieve the free timtams."

*clicks again*

"Still haven't brought them? Bah!"

*clicks again*

"Ooo...thats the spot...damned innaproprately located itch...You again!?"

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:22 am

Here you go. Now, about my Tim Tams...

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:28 am

Excellent. Now my plans shall come to fruition!

Here are the scared Tim Tams of Inellsia that I aquired on my are most fortunate to have found the sacred bottlecaps and kept your spleen...

Oh, and welcome to the Hallowed land of PPT.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:36 am

Much appreciated, I have a feeling we will be acquiring goods from one another again real soon.

Have you seen the sacred shoes of Zenaba?

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:36 am

Gasp! Tomatie, how could you?! :(

Why didn't you bring Apocalypse around sooner?! :o

Welcome to the forums, Apocalypse! :)

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:40 am

Lillie wrote:Gasp! Tomatie, how could you?! :(

Why didn't you bring Apocalypse around sooner?! :o

Welcome to the forums, Apocalypse! :)



Who are you?

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:53 am

Apocalypse wrote:
_jade_em_ wrote:Hiya and welcome to PPT, Apocalypse! ^.^

And I have the habit of having constant brain lapses, resulting in extreme stupidity sometimes ever since I joined PPT, and that's too late to stop now too.

Well then, just join me in throwing apples at Tomatie, that'll make everything all better.

Sure, sounds fun xP

Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:57 am

_jade_em_ wrote:
Apocalypse wrote:
_jade_em_ wrote:Hiya and welcome to PPT, Apocalypse! ^.^

And I have the habit of having constant brain lapses, resulting in extreme stupidity sometimes ever since I joined PPT, and that's too late to stop now too.

Well then, just join me in throwing apples at Tomatie, that'll make everything all better.

Sure, sounds fun xP

Alright, pack your bags, we're going to Holland.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:23 am

Can I come? Welcome, the sacred bottlecaps are meaningless compared to my 3.154 hours old sacred Egyptian turnip of Circusonia. Beat that!

Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:08 am

Apocalypse wrote:
Lillie wrote:Gasp! Tomatie, how could you?! :(

Why didn't you bring Apocalypse around sooner?! :o

Welcome to the forums, Apocalypse! :)



Who are you?

Your mistress. Now bring me a sock and all your personal complaints.
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