Are you new to Pink Poogle Toy or a returning member? Come on in and introduce yourself!
Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:26 am
I totally forgot I had an account here til a couple days ago. I signed up quite a while back (I think in March/April 06) and then had a bad beat in the BC and gave up all things Neopets for quite a while.
But I'm currently taking a break from working and need something to occupy my time other than dogs/husband/hiking . . . so here I am again.
Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:35 pm
Well peace, welcome back
Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:41 pm
Welcome back Peace! I'm sure you'll have fun here. There's plenty to do, and a lot of people to hide from. Again, welcome back!
*Hands out browkies and punch*
(Browkies is one half brownie, one half cookie)
Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:24 pm
Welcome back. Hope you have fun here once more. Hope to see you around.
Hands out mochi and taiyaki.
Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:47 pm
Welcome back, Peace! Hope you have an excellent stay...
Have some salmon. (Cookies are soooo overdone.)
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:22 pm
Welcome back to PPT Peace! It's nice to see older members returning. Good luck with the Beauty Contest on Neopets
*gives welcome back cupcakes*
By the way, what's with other people giving away my signature punch?
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:38 pm
mayanspypilot wrote:Welcome back to PPT Peace! It's nice to see older members returning. Good luck with the Beauty Contest on Neopets

*gives welcome back cupcakes*
By the way, what's with other people giving away my signature punch?

Because I can't give out beer.
Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:42 pm
I doesn't really matter as all food transmitted through the internet comes out rather chewy.
Welcome to PPT.
Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:55 pm
I'll take that reason, yessir I will, so long as no one gives out my salmon.
Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:28 pm
Welcome back peace. I hope your have a nice time here.*gives chicken,punch(my way)and a cup of dung

Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:36 pm
That's it...I'm going on strike for giving out food and drinks
Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:54 pm
Ok go do that see if I care....And maybe you shoudn't have introduced us to punch. I guess it's your fault then...Oh well.
Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:47 am
Welcome welcome welcome ^^
*Hands you cornbread wrapped in tin foil*
pfft. punch. as if.
Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:04 am
You know, you people are going to make all your users very fat if you keep handing out food like that.
But thank you.
Haven't been able to get over here much since I first posted, since I'm advertising my butt off over on the BC boards, and I'm leaving to visit family in Ohio today.
Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:23 pm
Gives high calorie punch and high calorie nachos. And don't forget your high calorie slurpy!
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