*coughs* I will now start again.
- short term memory (extreme case ><)
- loads of girls hate me in my school (God knows why, it's the "popular" ones, they hate me for no reason XD)
- I'm always lonely, so I adapt
- I'm always ignored, forgotten
- I always get cut in in my speeches
- I'm really sensitive and emotional
- I don't open up to RL people easily
- I started to be afraid of the dark when my grandma died (I never used to be afraid of it)
- I'm supersticious
- I'm stupid
- I'm weird/strange/odd/whatever
- I know a very unoriginal person who always just keeps copying people (including all my tests in classes we're both in. Which is, VERY annoying. But she mucked up in the year 10 exam...a little.)
- I hate my brother most of the time
- When at home, I like being by myself
- I used to open up to my guy friends more than my girl friends because they're nice to me (that doesn't mean anything) and they open up to me and so well, you get me. Girls...sometimes they just backstab you and leak out your secrets, which is why I'm really picky of who I want to open up to
- I wish I never existed
- I'm glad I'm here because it's so much better than RL
- I like plants, though I don't really take care of them

(actually just yesterday I held a knife and went out to the balcony to chop up some mint we grew for the pasta)
- sometimes I just hate everyone, and myself most. Who knows why.
- I don't like Bach. (no offence >< it's just that I don't like playing his songs and etc.)
- Teachers complain I'm too quiet in class, but actually I do talk a lot (with people always interrupting me)
- I suck at basketball no matter how much I like it
- I'm just generally really bad at sports
- I trip at least once a day (seriously!)
- I'm a road blind
- I hate people touching my hair unless I really want them to/trust them/have to
- We have so many pots of Aloe Vera we had to give them away (now I have a pot especially for baby ones that just grew; baby aloe count: over 16 -_-)
- I'm a very messy person. My room will get messy even after I tidied it.
- I'm a very lazy person ^^
- I need to lose weight; I'm not anorexic as some people might say I am. And I don't have an eating disorder. Don't listen to those who tell you that.
Er, well, there are loads more and it's getting boring now. so I'll flee.