All I want for Christmas is yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu! There, now, are you happy? :-P
I already know that I am getting a new computer and a wireless modem- but that isn't entirely for me, it's for the entire family. Although the laptop I'm using now is going to become mine.

But I want:
- Bigger/nicer birdcage for Lemon and Lime (my to-be parakeets. Not officially mine yet, but the petstore is holding them for me).
-Another pair of 'keets for Lemon and Lime to interact with. (Hopefully some white ones, I loved those when I saw them at the store).
Yes, it seems like a lot, but it's actually much less than what I usually get. We start saving for Christmas in January, so we can pretty much buy anything we please for one another.

Our family is close that way. As for presents I'm going to be giving:
-Mom: Angel related things. She loves them.
-Dad: Religious stuff. He's very into church, and he'd be delighted.
-Little sister, Stephi: Paid live journal account. She'd go nuts.
-Big sister, Stacy: Nothing. I can't give her anything this year, as she'll be half way around the world at Christmas.
-Big brother, Ricky: Any kind of thing he can store things in. He's planning on moving out soon, and he'd love stuff to store things in. Maybe a sword or daggar, too- he collects them.
No, my family is not rich, but we really want to enjoy Christmas the best we can, which is why we go all-out with the gifts.