lets see here...
-i've had a new gf every year (before the middle of fifth grade

-uhmm...i've never been late to anything (exept once when my friend said she 'cursed the bell' then it rang..good thing it was only gym i missed
-i hav'nt broken anything (not even a tooth)
once when i was five, i was playing baseball, i hit my older bro in the nuts..it was fun..
-i stay up till 3:30 (and thats early)
-i cant trust any of my friends unless they have proof
-all of my friends have pools *yippea*
-one of my current 'friends' isnt talking to me because i dunno
-my science teacher is the best
-i've been nitten by a snake three times
-one time, i tripped over a rock on the curb and i fell and split my knee open, and they wouldnt even give me a band aid
-i never do my homework
-i like to watch claymations
-my fav auther is B-rian Jaques
-everything i have is a hand me down (darn you older brother!!)
-im a middle child
-i get blamed for anything
-once, i triped on a brick and i cut the part right above my ancle open, and i still have the scar
-when i was riding my scooter(without and helmet, and those things are shiny metal traps) the scooter messed up on a little pebble the size of this-> o, and i got a gash from my knee to my foot
-i never could touch my toes
-im really bored right know
-i've had almost 20 pets, 17 fish and a guinea pig and i might get a rabbit soon
-my school is hard to navigate through with the 800 people who go to it
-i have a really funny story,l but its kinda long so pm me if you wanna hear it
-my dad (and me) can program a computer
-i like art even though i can name 498795886789 people who are better then me at it
- i want to take drum lessons
- this is the longest i've ever posted
- i want a sister
- i know a kid who is a triplet
-the so called 'friend' has a sister the same age as me for one day of the year
-i believe in magic, pixies, wizards, dragons, a way to breath under water(weird dreams..) aliens and ghosts
thats all i can think of...
when i think to hard, i turn stupid...