good luck with your new piercings. just remember to twist your earrins like they say and make sure you clean your ears with the stuff they give you.
i've got 2 holes in each ear, the first were done when i was 10 and the second when i was 16. the first lot aren't completely even in my ears, so me and the girl doign the second set spent ages working out where to put the second holes. i also didnt look after my second piercings as well, and they got a bit painful sometimes. they're fine now, except when i forget to put earrings in for a few weeks/months, then it's really weird, coz i can usually put earrings in the holes on the first day, but then if i take them out and leave it a day or 2 it's really hard to get earrings in again, almost like they've closed up. i had that problem last week, i just COULD NOT get an earring into my second hole on my right ear, i spent sooo long trying. but eventually i gave up and i tried the next day and it went in fine :S weird!!
anyway, i'm waffling now! lol
but yeah, when you get your studs out, if you dont like sleeping with studs in (which i dont, it jurts my ears), i wear hoops (small ones) because they don't hurt to sleep in. i also find they're better for making sure it doesnt heal up cos they're easier to move coz you can play with them and stuff much easier. i'm alwasy flipping my hoops