Chaud wrote:
tymaporer wrote:
Chaud wrote:
I watch CardCaptors. I admit it. *runs for it*
...And how is that on-topic? :?
Another of my little superstitions is that if I hold my hands and/or head a certain way, and don't say the wrong words in the wrong way, whatever I want to happen will happen. It changes every time. I'm weird.
Because it's a show for girls

How is watching Card Captors and it being a girl's show being superstitious?
- I don't talk about bad things happening to the people I know (such as death, sickness, etc). Afraid it may really happen if I say it out loud or even think it. I don't want bad things happen to people I love, is all.
- I knock on wood if I for some reason do say something of the above superstition to safeguard my people. *knocks on wood now*
- I don't like talking about things to do with the devil. Whether the devil exists or not, I'm not sure. I just don't like talking or dealing with things that are in some way "evil", such as ouija boards. Other people laugh at me for that, but I'll respect the rest of you to not do so. Too much reading of bad experiences. It really makes me feel unwell to think of things like that. *knocks on wood again*
- I don't let the wind play on my wind-chimes when the windows are open (out of respect to someone else's superstition, a common Chinese one that ghosts are attracted to the sound of wind-chimes).
- If there is a mirror directly opposite a bed, I cover it with a cloth. I forget where I picked this up from, but it's not good to have a mirror opposite your bed. The only thing I garnered from this is that I did it to someone who was disbelieving of it, although she later admitted it was more comfortable sleeping with the mirror covered. I think there's something scientific involved actually.
- I believe it's perfectly possible there are some supernatural truths out there that I don't understand - and I don't care to. Better not to mess with what I don't know.