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 Post subject: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:45 pm 
Beyond Godly
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*straps everyone's eyelids open*

Jellyoflight went back to schoool today. Jellyoflight had a rubbishy day. Jellyoflight will now report on the rubbishness.

It started as any other day that was prescribed to be -clinicly- boring. The weather was hot and sticky yet cloudy and muggy. Hmm.

Waited for the bus...

got the bus....

and got to school. *boring already, see?*

Where we exchanged sticks of rock from our holidays and stuff. Yeah.

Then, the bell of doom rang and we knew our daily torture was about to begin.

One hour and 5 minutes in a poopy science lab *tutor base...*(normally it would be 5 minutes, but because it was the first day...meh.) doing nothing but staring at the clock and willing it to move quicker. The highlight was when this boy accident walloped the teacher in the face.

When the bell finally went we moved onto our next faze of torture.

The horror of...FRENCH!!!

It was a nightmare right from the start. New teacher *nods* I was talking to someone and suddenly this voice from absolutly no-where hurt my suffering eardrums;


I looked everywhere, but couldn't find the source of the shreiking. Then I looked down, and found it. Pah. Poopy teacher. ¬.¬

When we got inside the french room, we were instantly put in a boy-girl seating plan. I was plonked next to some nutter who talks to himself.

Then the teacher gabbled a load of french, and because we were so taken aback, we didn't quite catch it. Well, I didn't anyway. So whilst everyone else managed to find the page in the book, I was like,


She ignores me.


She ignores me.


She ignores me.

'Royte, let's staryt now we all have the right page *glances at me* Copy out the speech bubbles in three minutes. Go!'



'Tut tut, weren't you listening at all?'

"Well, yeah, but you spoke so fast it sounded like gobbledegook.'

'I did not! I spoke clearly and slowly. I saw you, you weren't listening. It's page 17. Get to work, now!'

Puh. ¬.¬ Then, there was more at the end of the lesson. ¬.¬

The boy sitting next to me had dropped a tiny piece of paper on the floor.

I didn't notice it.

The teacher suddenly glares at me.

'None of this row will be GOING until someone picks that rubbish up!'

So I had to pick it up myself. Which was annoying, it was just a tiny piece of paper ¬.¬ I know she saw the boy next to me drop it. ¬.¬

Then it was break, and we were free for, about, errrr, 25 minutes. Fine by me.

Then we were rushed into drama. We spent the first few mintues practicly peeing ourselves laughing at the much-despised drama teacher's haircut. He looked like a chipmonk!

We had assembly 5 minutes into the lesson, where we sat and yawned, bored out of our minds for half an hour. I nearly fell asleep. Then I had a mini choking fit. ¬.¬

hmm. After drama we had Technology, which was ok, we had a decent teacher for once ^^ The bell didn't ring when it was supposed to, which meant we stayed in 5 minutes waiting for it, before the teacher told us that the bells obviously were messed up and we could go.

Then dinner. Yummmm.

Not much to say on that, actually.

Then we went back to the science lab *tutor base* for 25 minutes. Where we yet again stared into space. Hmm.

And THEN, the last lesson of the day; ENGLISH! I normally like English, and our teacher isn't that bad. But guess what, kiddiewinks? Another boy-girl seating plan! Oh great. Went quickly.

It was supposed to be all over. But oh no.

We waited 10 minutes for the bus at the front of the school. Didn't come. The poor year 7s were -that- confused. :( It turned out there was only one bus. We didn't get on it, it was full by the time we got there. So, being in the anger that we were, myself and 3 friendies walked home. Sort of. We walkedfor about 10 minutes then a friendie went past in their car and offered us a life-saving lift. Yay!

So, the first torturous day of year 8. ¬.¬ Hmm.

that's me.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:01 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Christopher will now comment.

When I took French I had a Scottish Man who had been living in South Africa, you tell me gobbledegok.

Obviously you have been chosen, its a sign of a poor teacher when they chose one person to pick on all the time, if it continues you are going to have a crap year I'm afraid :cry:

 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:02 pm 
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jellyoflight wrote:
The horror of...FRENCH!!!

It was a nightmare right from the start. New teacher *nods* I was talking to someone and suddenly this voice from absolutly no-where hurt my suffering eardrums;


I looked everywhere, but couldn't find the source of the shreiking. Then I looked down, and found it. Pah. Poopy teacher. ¬.¬

I read that, and I cracked up. XD That's soooooo funny.

*huggles* But hey, it's school...Don't worry about it too much. That's unfortunately the way it is.

But hey, you eat dinner at school? o.O What are your school hours?


 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:11 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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jellyoflight wrote:




*puts hand over mouth*



Sorry. :P

Hm..well..your day*coughs* I hope things improve. My teacher is the same one for all my classes. Obviously. ME MOMMY!


 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:16 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Flame wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
The horror of...FRENCH!!!

It was a nightmare right from the start. New teacher *nods* I was talking to someone and suddenly this voice from absolutly no-where hurt my suffering eardrums;


I looked everywhere, but couldn't find the source of the shreiking. Then I looked down, and found it. Pah. Poopy teacher. ¬.¬

I read that, and I cracked up. XD That's soooooo funny.

*huggles* But hey, it's school...Don't worry about it too much. That's unfortunately the way it is.

But hey, you eat dinner at school? o.O What are your school hours?

Aye. The school day is 8:40 to 3:25. ;_;

Kitten Medli wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:





*puts hand over mouth*




Hm..well..your day*coughs* I hope things improve. My teacher is the same one for all my classes. Obviously. ME MOMMY!

I kid you not. That is eggzacklee how she talks ;_;

that's me.

 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:33 pm 
Beyond Godly
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jellyoflight wrote:
Aye. The school day is 8:40 to 3:25. ;_;

Hah! 8:50 to 3:15 and on fridays; 8:50 to 1:10! :D

Sorry, :oops:.

Anyway, yeah, I hate teachers like that, but no teachers pick on me, well none I've came across in all my school life.

kudos sasha+gregory // PPT's Unofficial President

 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:35 pm 
Beyond Godly
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xerai wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Aye. The school day is 8:40 to 3:25. ;_;

Hah! 8:50 to 3:15 and on fridays; 8:50 to 1:10! :D

Sorry, :oops:.

Anyway, yeah, I hate teachers like that, but no teachers pick on me, well none I've came across in all my school life.


I envy you. >.<

that's me.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:37 pm 
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French teachers are mostly irrelevant. Hide in a dark corner if you absolutely can't stand it. Read my signature -- you'll feel better.

*must not say bad things about Chemical Ole*

Will you stop with the honour stuff?

 Post subject: Re: -First Day Back Report-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:38 pm 
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xerai wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Aye. The school day is 8:40 to 3:25. ;_;

Hah! 8:50 to 3:15 and on fridays; 8:50 to 1:10! :D

Hah! 9:05 to 3:15! ...You've got me beat on the Fridays, though. =P

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:20 am 
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Lucky people, I've got school from 7:30-2:35.

Anyway, your french teacher sounds bad. Good luck with the year :)

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Jas: ugh. okay

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:51 am 
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haha hillarious :P

One of our school's french teachers teaches IT aswell as french, so when we went into our class, I yelled out *LE NON DOh, MON PANTALOON SOUT Su Leu Feur!

Hillarious.... short french man in a panic :roflol:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:56 am 
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My school hours are 7:05 to 1:15 because of block scheduling.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:23 am 
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Ehhh, there's only one bus? O_O How many kids are there in the school?

For my school, the times are 7:55 to 3:05. Which means getting on the bus at 6:45am and coming home at 4:00pm. Geez, you should pity me :P

Well, to tell the truth, it looks like it wasn't some great first day back for you. Perhaps tomorrow will be better, though ^_^


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:54 pm 
Beyond Godly
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_jade_em_ wrote:
Ehhh, there's only one bus? O_O How many kids are there in the school?

We don't even have a bus :)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:57 pm 
Beyond Godly
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_jade_em_ wrote:
Ehhh, there's only one bus? O_O How many kids are there in the school?

For my school, the times are 7:55 to 3:05. Which means getting on the bus at 6:45am and coming home at 4:00pm. Geez, you should pity me :P

Well, to tell the truth, it looks like it wasn't some great first day back for you. Perhaps tomorrow will be better, though ^_^

For that first day, there was only one. There is like over a hundred people trying to get on. Even today we were crammed into two like sardines. ¬.¬

Eeep. Having a bit of trouble in maths. ¬.¬ Last year, before we were put into maths 'sets', I was doing really well...then we were put into sets, and I got a really crummy teacher who spent all her time shouting at us. Our marks went down ¬.¬ Now we're back with the original teacher though, and he's not as bad really. He told us the reason why we had to sit in boy-girl seating plans all the time, and said he didn't agree with them, but it was the headmaster's orders. ¬.¬ But anyway, I was actually finding maths more difficult. I used to be really good, second best in the class, but even all my friends agree that everyone's marks went down. We were doing Probability, which I normally find really simple, but I just got confused, because I was used to just, well, not listening because we had a crummy teacher who didn't teach well at all, and struggled to keep everyone until control.


that's me.

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