Zero wrote:
Stijn wrote:
What Zero said has a good side about it. Like he already said, it's better to let it out from time to time instead of letting it bottle up inside of you.
I'm a girl.

Oh, just a reminder, ignoring never works. At least not when they're the kind who threaten you. And telling the teachers does NOTHING. And don't say it was just my school, it was both the schools I went to. I told them numerous times when this kid was bothering me, and ya know what they did? Squat. Ya know what I did? I got my older brother to walk me to school...

Know someone at least five years older than you? Bring 'em along one day and get them to yell at the kid. My brother yelled at the guy bothering me, and he started crying. I may be twisted, but it was kinda funny. Got what he deserved... >:]
Every person I've ever ignored has never bothered me ever again, it almost always works, it just takes a bit of time. As for the threats, depending on the severity, those will probably blow over as well. But since you can't depend on that, it would be wise to find some source of protection, or revenge without these people knowing about it. Just showing that you are fine and better off without them will probably make them discouraged and lose interest. I've gone through the same thing since I was in probably 3rd grade. Many people these days will jump when someone cool tells them to. Idiots will be idiots, but if need be, I'm sure there are people that will back you up.