To me, this sacrifice was huge. Every two years, my dance school has a huge show. This year I was really looking forward to it. I was in the senior dances, had good parts and it would be my last ever show in the theatre I've grown up in as I've been performing there since I was two and the theatres being knocked down this year.
Anyway, I was a main part in our school's production, which we'd been rehearsing for a while. I found out that the dates of both the dance show and the drama production clashed. I had to let someone down. If it had been a personal choice, I would've picked dancing but as I was a main part and it was quite close to the actual dates, I decided to pick the school drama. I couldn't let the cast down. The dances could be quite easily rechoreographed without me but they'd need a whole new Frenchy in Grease! And like my teacher said, I was made for that part!
It probably doesn't seem like a huge sacrifice but dancings my life, I'm not usually an actor, I just suited the part very well. I'm never going to get to dance at the theatre I've grown up in again.

Also, the dances we used for the show have gone into competitions, so I've just had to slip back in them and haven't been able to regain to good parts.... It's a shame but I'm glad I gave it up for my friends.