This is a hard question. I only know what I would wish for with three wishes - not merely one.
I would not wish for unlimited wishes. That would be a dangerous thing for me to do. So often in everyday expression I will say, "I wish for this or that!" Often it's merely an exclamation of some point, or an exaggeration. What would I do, if one of my rare, although possible "I wish he was dead!" came true? Yes, I could wish him alive again, but that would not change the fact I'd caused someone to die, and I would not be able to live with myself.
Nor would I wish to turn back time (although I would like to). I don't trust myself with things I don't know. And sometimes, the hardest things in life give good lessons. I'm not sure if I'd be who I am if this or that hadn't happened.
Wishing for world peace isn't high on my agenda either. Although I would honestly like there to be much less suffering, wishing for world peace would be too risky. In my eyes, peace cannot exist without war, for peace came out of a dream and a longing. War creates that dream, and without war, where does the dream go?
And then I could wish to be happy. But I believe in creating my own happiness, for everyone else is a happy person in a different way. Somehow it would be so much sweeter if I found my own secret of happiness and used this throughout my life, rather than never really knowing why I was on that permanent sugar high.
In the end, I come to the conclusion I could wish to be healthy or I could wish to be wise. Neither of these come easy. I'd like to keep learning all my life, so I'd rather not be an all-knowing saint. Wisdom is different though. I'd like wisdom, perhaps, but I wonder if the wise are happy?
Actually, I'd probably wish for my mother to be healthy. I can do very well with being unhealthy for the rest of my life, but I would like my mother to be healthy for the rest of hers. She never was anymore than I am now. Although what I really would like, I think, was to have the ability to make people a little happier, and to give a little extra richness into another's life, to spread some joy and make my own life worth living. It would be such a nice gift to have, and so sweet for others! I honestly wish I had it.
But I love my mother best of all, beyond all other people, so I'd wish for her to be healthy.
