But for me, I'm happy with putting on a temporary tattoo every now and then. I get ones that look like real tattoos and put them in normal tattoo places (ie a small butterfly on the ankle) and then go freak my mom out because she thinks I got one. Honestly, if there are any college freshman reading this, you might want to consider doing this kinda thing when you go home for winter break. It really is funny to see your parent's reaction and then tell them that it isn't even real (or at least it was for me).
I did that once...
My dad just looked at me square and said "you're outta the will"
Heh. My brothers first tattoo... he hid it from my dad for a year.
At my grandparents fiftieth wedding anniversary, my brother was in shorts, the WHOLE family and my grandparents friends were there. My brother was in shorts... my dad turned the corner. My brother turned around.
And my dads eyes bugged right outta his head.
It was great.
They never did talk about it. But now my brother (admittedly) has two other very ugly tattoos (both motercycle related). I don't like them, they're the biker-ish tattoos. And then... a neat celtic cross.
If I ever get a tattoo. It'll be this.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/ ... cetrot.jpg
I designed it. *loves the design* probably won't ever do it. But it'd be nice. I'd make it small, and put it right on my ankle (or my foot). Thats all I want.
(seriously it'd be two inches long at most.)

Evisceration is a sign of respect.