Anubis wrote:
Shoelace wrote:
Sorry to say this, but your hampster will most probably 'run away from home' while you are at boarding school.
... was that meant as a serious comment?
One, it's spelt hamster. The amount of people who get that wrong.

Two, it won't run away from home. Hamster's aren't like that. A dog, maybe. But a hamster doesn't really grow attatched to you, or anybody.
hampsters also generaly live in cages
All that aside your bording school experience will depend entierly on the school. A school that fits you and your personality and your learning style will be awesome. One that dosen't will take some serious ajusting.
I have friends now in college who had gone to bording school and loved it to no end (Especialy those who were transfered out of normal public schools) so don't worry too much. Either way I'm sure that once you make friend everything will be alright. Good luck