Kitten Medli wrote:
My friend had convinced me to join two very special web sites. (Take a guess.) I was not aware of what journeys ahead that friend would bring me. This year before Valentines day we went our seperate ways, but still stay in contact to say a short happy birthday or congratulations. Although we're apart I'll never forget her for she brought a certain group of people to me,being PPT.
When I joined, I was a very different person. I said,"LOL" and "XD" a lot and I was what you would call a typical Anime junkie. Over time here, I've changed majorly. I've become a Christian and somewhat matured. PPT has tought me valuble lessions and overall made me a better person.
Although also fun, my journey has been a tough one. Many times here my heart has been crushed, feelings have been hurt and I've thought of leaving. But I never can. I'll just admit it now, PPT is my home. As long as just one person wants me I'll stay. And I know I am wanted by a few.
I've made enemies here, (or atleast I'm pretty sure a few people can't stand me) but I try my best to love them. As well as enemies, I've made life-long friends like Messs17, Crystal Cloud and Jellyoflight. I love all my buddies here and I'd just like to send a thank you to all of you, past and present.
A little on the random thank yous here, I'd like to thank all that have donated to my Chokato gallery here.. Although I want to thank a lot of people, but, there is one that instantly comes to mind that deserves to be thanked. Jasujo. We never really talked but you always treat everbody like they are your best friend.
Theres so many more people to thank, like everbody who has entered my past set contests...there are just so many people I can't fit them into one post or we'd be here untill 12:00 AM. So all in all..
Thank you PPT!!!
O: Life-long friend...

PPT truely is a godsent, and the admins have done such a good job on it!