Today my little Robin turns 3 years old. How cute is that?

Gah, they grow up so fast. She has been uber excited all week long.

lol We haven't gotten a chance to get her a present yet, but we are all going tonight. At our house, we celebrate each birthday for about a week, so she'll be getting things all week long.

For that week, the birthday person (or people for this week

) gets gifts, decides where we go out to eat and picks out dinners, gets special treats, picks out movies we watch, places to go, activities we do, etc. Birthdays rock!

Robin also plays Neopets. Actually, all the girls share one account (until they are older). I thought I'd put up some trades and list their account name incase anyone wanted to send over some presents.
Acct.: halligan_jones ... igan_jones
Trades: ... igan_jones
Robin can't do too much at Neopets yet, but there are a couple games she loves to play. She also likes to look at the different pets and Neohomes and such. They are each going to have their own room in the Neohome once it's created.

Their pets are pretty basic yet, so I'm sure anything would be welcomed.

(I'm trying to have them build up their own pets, although I sneak in a little gift every once in a while.

Btw, there is a picture of the girls up on their lookup . It's a bit outdated. Robin is the one on the top right with the really blonde hair. Tim had some other pics of the girls uploaded, but he's having problems with his site. He promised he'd fix it today, though, so I could show them off.

Also, her favorite color is purple.
Anyway, happy 3rd birthday little Robin! I wish you many more!

(I'm going to read her this thread later if anyone decides to post.

My littles are growing up. Aw. :'(