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 Post subject: Clay the bunny and hearts broken.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:41 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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The story from an e-mail I sent to my friend..

Oh man..I am so worried!

Lastnight Clay (the bunny) got sick and he was like
going to the bathroom non-stop..but was like Diarrhea...and he got
covered in it and was really gross, but
at the same time pretty scary. I read in books that
when bunnies get sick they go down quick. He lost a
lot of fluid lastnight, but drank and got it back..for
a while.

After a little bath and everything he seemed okay. But
this morning he was at it again. We took him to the
vet and they kept him to get a stool sample..I'm just
really worried about him!

(I edited it a little for the record)

So then..we got him back..everything seems okay..then he hides in his cage. About 45 minutes to an hour ago he was still alive..he yiped and when mom got to him and picked him up he died. Dad got me and I had just got downstairs a few seconds after...and he was gone already.

All of us were crying.. even my dad. And he had to put him outback with our other dead pets..*sighs*

I just I don't want to do anything but crawl in a hole and mope. I need a little PPT heart has been torn in another spot as well as mom, dad and Clay's cage mate, George. George depended on Clay. He runs from us. I just don't know anymore.

But we know what he had..

Mucoid Enteritis

Mucoid enteritis is a form of diarrhea that strikes young rabbits between five to eight weeks of age. This is a very fast killer, often like and will soil the rabbit's underside; because the rabbit can not maintain its food, its fur becomes scruffy, and the rabbit itself looks squint-eyed and thin with mucus around the mouth. Another way to detect mucoid enteritis is to pick the rabbit up and shake him. A splashing sound can be heard within. The rabbit should be taken to a veterinarian for treatment. He can prescribe medication to combat this disease, which once was thought to be incurable.

He had most of that plus he was staring into space a lot and he had his hands in his water yesterday because of fever, we think..

Plus, the vet found a lot of bacteria in his stool sample. We were not told this. (But I guess you cannot blame her, she was not able to come out to talk to us..) Dad left the lady a message and she called back and mom talked to her. She said this happens to a lot of young rabbits. What I wonder is, why, if she knew that it was and knew there was bacteria.. WHY DIDN'T SHE DO SOMETHING!?

Like I said, I don't know.

This is our fourth rabbit to go to God. I don't want to question, just.. I want to know why he had to go. I know it was for a reason, and a good one, just.. my mind will not be at ease untill I know.

By the way, I am sorry if this post is a total mess. I'm depressed, I'm sick, and I just want to go cry. If you don't see me around very much, just asume I'm off in a corner crying.


Last edited by Kitten Medli on Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:49 am 
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Aww. I'm sooo sorry to hear about your rabbit.

I'd like to know why the vet didn't do anything as well but maybe it was too late.

Like you said ...everything happens for a reason. Maybe some other fuzzy little pet will come along that needs you and you can help

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:03 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Callie wrote:
I'd like to know why the vet didn't do anything as well but maybe it was too late.

Thats what she said, but the lady's a vet, shes supposed to that care of animals. THATS HER JOB. I don't CARE if it was too late, you don't know unless you try.

But anyways, thats for the comfort..*hugs* As much as I'd like to get George another friend.. I can't go through this again. I don't know what to do..


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:25 am 
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Kitten Medli wrote:
Callie wrote:
I'd like to know why the vet didn't do anything as well but maybe it was too late.

Thats what she said, but the lady's a vet, shes supposed to that care of animals. THATS HER JOB. I don't CARE if it was too late, you don't know unless you try.

But anyways, thats for the comfort..*hugs* As much as I'd like to get George another friend.. I can't go through this again. I don't know what to do..

Just give it some time...maybe later on you'll want another pet. In 2000 I think it was, we had to put our horse down. The first day when I found out I was heartbroken. Then my dad had made all the arrangements then she got up..but the next day she had to be put to sleep.

I still have my two cats I had at the time. One is at least 14 yrs. in Human years and I don't know what I'll do when something happens to her(the other is only a few yrs old) The pain will get better as it always does,but just remember that you helped Clay by giving him a home,and I'm sure it was a happy one.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:26 am 
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First off, I'm very sorry you lost a pet. Pets can sometimes be like family members, and it's always very sad to lose one.

But, come back to reality, Medli. Vets do not just sit around and watch animals die. They can't fix everything. And they can get sued for charging people without doing anything- so, chances are she did what she could. Don't get mad at the vet. It was just his time to go.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:13 pm 
Beyond Godly
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*pat* I think all of us have been through something like that.
It's sad but you've just gotta live on.
I'm sure Clay is in a better place now.
Be glad it's not the real Clay Aiken dead. :P
I have lost 2 rabbits also.
Nibbles 1 (We almost ran it over)

Set=Kitten Medli
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Me: Well I have no memor........What did you just say?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:15 pm 
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*hugs* Medli, I know it's hard when a bunny dies. Especially if they're very young. Just remember that it had a very happy life with you, I'm quite sure you were absolutely wonderful to that little bunny.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:17 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Oh medli, you poor poor thing...

Maybe...maybe if he was in least he won't be in pain any more...

Or at least that's how I consolled myself when my old hamster, my greatest friendie, died...I knew it was coming too...

Have a good cry, it'll help, trust me.

Please, if you're really upset, PM me, we can talk about it. It sometimes helps in sitiations like this.

I really hope george is ok's not contageous, is it? :-S

that's me.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:05 pm 
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Oh my, I'm very sorry for the loss. It;s hard to loose an animal, becuase you get very atached to them. But I'm sure that after a while you will feel much better, although the memory of Clay will always stay. *hugs*

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:26 pm 
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It's very possible that the vet didn't know what the problem was until it was too late. In a lot of cases, stool samples have to be incubated for a couple of days before you can really take a good look at what sort of bacteria you're dealing with. You can run certain stains which will help to tell you, but you can't always be certain until a large enough culture exists.

Also, it's normal to pass bacteria - many species of bacteria exist in the digestive system of every animal, and will move out with the feces.

Finally, treatment for ME (or ERE, as it is also known) isn't entirely drug-based. There are a lot of things that should be done: isolation, diet adjustment, and rehydration (since the rabbits lose a lot of water in loose stool). Antibiotic treatments are occasionally successful, but for the most part it's a fatal disease. Also, antibiotics can kill helpful bacteria in a digestive system, which will worsen diarrhea episodes and lead to more dehydration.

With all of that said, I suggest two things: firstly, find a veterinarian who specializes in small mammal care, or who at least has a very strong interest in it, for your rabbits. Some vets are good at what they do, but lousy with more uncommon pets (rabbits, for example). Your doctor may be the best cat/dog/ferret vet in the whole world, but rabbits are different, and treatment for them lags behind more common animals.

Secondly, talk to local veterinarians (including your current) about dietary needs for your rabbtis. Make sure that the diet that they're on is the best for their age, especially since dietary considerations play a large part in ME (which is not initiated by bacterial infections, but they're a contributing factor).


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:19 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Dawn, maybe I over reacted a bit, but I figure she would have known what it was if she "gets it a lot"..although, I'll give her the benifit of the doubt, because no one is perfect..including me. I get off the deep end when I'm depressed and emotional.

But anyways,thank you to everbody who posted. I feel a very tiny bit better, but I still can't believe hes gone..all I want to do is sleep and forget about missing him.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:49 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I'm sorry that Clay the Buny died.

Maybe rabbits are not your thing Medli, you seem to be cursed.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:24 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Christopher wrote:
Maybe rabbits are not your thing Medli, you seem to be cursed.

Heh, I've had a bad time with bunnies ... but maybe just YOUNG rabbits aren't my thing ... I don't know.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:37 am 

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Christopher wrote:
I'm sorry that Clay the Buny died.

Maybe rabbits are not your thing Medli, you seem to be cursed.

:o Of course she's not! NOBODY IS CURSED! It's just natural bad luck.

I'm sorry Clay died. I know how it feels. Even though my Neopet is a crappy basic colour, you can't disown him. He's like a family member. Some people don't understand. My buddies don't. One said when he lost 17 million np wine. Highly doubt it. They didn't understand. He was part of the family. And he was priceless. Everybody is unique.

I'm sorry Clay died. I couldn't sleep when I realized I disowned a aprt of my Neopet family. This type of thing scars you forever (emotionally). I know, others don't understand you. But some people understand.

I'm not going to say "You'll gonna have to face it, Clay's gone" to you, because I know if somebody said that to me, I know I'd respond probably the same way you would.

You probably want to crawl into a hole and cry. I would too. I honestly don't know how HUGE such a loss feels like, I admit.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:21 am 
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I'm so sorry to hear that. Something similar happened to me, but with my pet pig. Got scour and died. Its horrible, I know, when anything dies, but know he'll be waiting on the other side.

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