As many of you already know, I've been saving for parakeets for quite a long time now. Well, on Saturday, I finally got them.
Snowy is probably the younger of the two. I can tell he likes to make new friends- he never leaves the side of his cage mate. Snowy is a rare albino parakeet that is already warming up to life with me- he already has allowed me to touch him. Cyanna, the female, was kind of named after the mod on PPT. The main reason I named her Cyanna was because of her color- she is a pale, cyanish blue. Thinking about the color cyan instantly made me think of Cyanna (the mod) for some reason. And, like Cyanna the mod, Cyanna (the bird) is quite intelligent, even for a bird. She's probably the most comfortable living with me so far- she isn't completely silent all the time, like her cage mate, Snowy.
The people at the pet store said these birds were raised only by their parents, not people, so they would take a while warming up to me and it would definitely take lots of long hours of training. Besides the extra time, they need a mandatory hour of interaction a day, so you'll probably be seeing me a lot less.
Anyway, just wanted to share with you that I've finally gotten a pair of parakeets that I've been working very hard to get. A friend of mine will be coming over to my house with her digital camera very soon to try to get some pictures for you.