meowth1982 wrote:
Do you have any ideas for decorating my dorm room?

I've got two light up things but I have run out of ideas from there.
Walmart, all the way.

lol Seriously, we picked up a ton of cool decorations there the other day. I don't even want to go into how much we spent. lol
Anyway, the fake spiderwebs are always fun. You can place and shape them however you want and put little glow-in-the-dark plastic spiders in them. I like to have little spooky decorations where someone won't normally see them, but when they do they'll notice. There are many cool things like rubber bugs and spiders, figurines, skeletons, severed body parts (mostly hands) you can place in inconspicuous areas (poking out from under the bed, peaking out from a bookcase, whatever). The dancing figures are always cute. We picked up a mummy that dances to "Shout". It's utterly adorable.

lol You can get the light up outside decorations and put them up on your walls (do not go overboard though. you want it to look tastefully Halloweeny, not like Las Vegas

lol). We picked up these cool stones that have words on them like "Beware", "Stay Out", and "Go Away". They light up and laugh eerily when someone walks by. Anything that looks normal, but has an effect when someone walks by is awesome.

lol Black lights can be cool, but don't place them everywhere because you will still need regular lights to see for studying and such.

Glow-in-the-dark paint can be fun. It's not readily noticable in the daytime, but right after you turn the lights off, it glows nicely. Some spooky messages around your room might be cool. If you make them look drippy, even better.

Also, a lot of the Halloween decorative paints I've seen are easily removed. Make sure of that before you do anything.
(New paragraph because that was getting a little long.

Little accents like spiderweb tablecloths or doilies are nice for small touches. There are also many really neat candles and candle holders out this time of year. You can never go wrong with a tasteful candelabra.

There are even electric ones with flickering candlelight bulbs. That's what we have in the hall because lit candles around is not the best thing for little girls. It still looks cool, though.

You can drape black/dark purple gauzy scarves around your room to give it a gloomy look. Note: Do *not* put scarves near heaters, over lamps or near candles no matter how cool it looks. That is a tremendous fire hazard. There are also welcome mats (I don't know if you are allowed to have these in your hall) that scream, moan, or some other Halloweeny sound that you can place inside/outside your room. If you are going for the spooky look, you can search for some really cool ghost pictures online and print them out. Get some cool frames and put them up on your walls. Maybe put a spider on the top or something else decorative. You can also get a decent sized mirror (not too big, preferably kind of fancy Victorian looking and silver, but whatever you like) and drape a gauzy scarf over it. You can also buy little gourds and place them around your room. You can decorate them with faces (marker, yarn, glitter, etc.) or leave them plain.
These are just some ideas. I tried to think of a little bit of everything.

You can pick and chose which you like. Some may sound like nothing too special, but if you add them together with other things, they can really add a nice touch.

I hope I've helped at all.
If you use anything that makes noise, make sure it has an off switch or some such. It can be a major headache if they don't.