bet you get the white dwarf free like the yanks did though (we english arent, we live in GW country and yet we get stuff later than the rest of the world and less cool offers
as for a new army you could try the 69'ers or somthing like that?
well anyways, they were the handful of marines who stayed loyal to the emporer (among the chaos legions this is) whos numbers equaled -oddly enough- those of their combined legion numbers (if you have the old marine codex look up the numbers in there just add together all the chaos legions numbers, thats how many there were)
i did have a story detailing the exact numbers (y'know i think it was 70 actually?) well anyway, the worldeaters managed to cause significant damage to horus' fleet before getting killed, and the others fled to terra to warn the emperor, i dont think they made it in time to warn him, but soon dissapeared after the heresy.
"rumours" suggest they may still live in exile, like the 13th companie.
imperial timeline-
edit: oh well, tis the new emperor VS Horus painting, eh, its till a shiznitish piece of art.
edit2: ok, isnt gonna let me post it
http://uk.games-workshop.com/whitedwarf ... sue300.htm
theres a link on the right hand side, aswell as for the other posters