Ok, while back, sometime during the summer, I decided, for no real reason, to begin looking into the individual posts of members, and quoting the funniest things I found. I only collected quotes from boards and threads I visited regularly. Some were meant to be intentionally funny, and some just came out that way.
And then I became a moderator, and then the forums got revamped. I had the quotes saved in notepad under the old board titles, and so after the revamp, I had to change a few of them. I collected just a few more quotes after that. And then I shelved the project. I'd always known I would post them in Misc Disc someday, though I'd planned to do it sooner.
Maybe someday I'll collect more quotes, who knows. Someday you might just wander into Misc Disc and see "PPTers say the darndest things: Part 2"
Without further ado, I give you the quotes, in order that the boards appear in the PPT index:
Zero wrote:
*takes out bazooka* *loads it with radioactive marshmallows* Okay, Jim! Termination time begins now! Restistance is futile! You have no chance to escape make your time! *BAM!!!* *marshmallow bounces off of Jim's Admin Forcefield and comes back at me* AAAAAAHHH!!! T______T
*rubs head* That hurt.
GeneralSankaras Mansion wrote:
I guess I can merrily continue to feed my pet things scraped off a rock, then.

Runevalkyrie wrote:
Even if this is a legitmate scam...
Chris wrote:
It's gone from a smart-alecky but still cute pet (previous revamp) to a cross-eyed, goateed, happy smiling gnome.
Movies & TelevisionFlame wrote:
Whoever wrote that article on that website is rather, erm....uninformed. Which is the polite way of saying 'oblivious in all ways to X-men' which is the nice way of putting 'stupid'
robot wrote:
{Besides, Catwoman wore a full catsuit, not a strip of leather covering her "upper bits" and pants with the power to suffocate.}
The Library...Alex wrote:
Trust me, book seven will be named 'Harry Potter and the Intricacies of a Flobberworm's Mind, and How He Finally Realized (random top-secret flobber-worm stuff) Is the Meaning of Life and the Only Way How to Destroy You-Know-Who, the Stupid Boy'.
Twitchy wrote:
"...You are writing children's books, you need to be a ruthless killer."
(J.K. Rowling in an interview)
The Locker RoomSoda wrote:
ack tell me about it. we have the israeli channel thing here and all they talked about on the news was: medal, MEDAL, medal, medal, anarchy and violence in gaza, medal, MEDAL, medal, medal. i got up and walked out of the room eventually.
Miscellaneous DiscussionSkullsplitter wrote:
...and i got chased by a giraffe.
Zero wrote:
Well, I don't think it was rabid, but there was this squirrel that let me get up close to it... I thought it was just nice. But then it came running at me, and I was like "EEEEEK!" and tried to hit it with a stick. It was also making weird grunting noises. And when I ran to the other side of the lawn, it climbed up on a tree branch, like it was gonna dive-bomb me! So when I ran inside my house, I heard it screeching, like "EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!". It was crazy. O_o;;
Kyra wrote:
I have insane squirrels around my yard that try to crack open/eat rocks. Large rocks.
Callie wrote:
...and we once had the world's largest coke bottle...but it burnt down.
Sugarinii wrote:
Fine. But when that happens, I'm coming to live with you and I'm going to dye all your clothes hot pink.
Shoyru_Lover wrote:
I remember i was in this musical and one of my friends needed those pants suspenders for his costume.. so he went into the op shop and asked for suspenders and the lady was like "OOOOOOOKKKKAYYY" and brought out these kinky female leg suspenders thinking he was this weirdo or something lol.*
jellyoflight wrote:
Thank you very much, Christopher for reminding us of that important issue. I'm sure we'll all sleep soundly in our beds tonight, knowing that less people will shove their arms down a plastic cup holder.
Crescendo wrote:
Once, I swear to God, I saw a gorgeous, talented man at my bedstead. I screamed, waking up the household. It was just my Clay Aiken poster.
jellyoflight wrote:
Last night I was making a slice of toast.
Nothing unusual about that, I hear you cry.
Well this slice of toast was..POSSESSED!!!

Disclaimer: The quotes herein are the sole property of their respective authors. Don't sue me, or kill me, or anything like that.