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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:11 am 
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robot wrote:
I didn't even imply that it was an everyday occurence. It's obvious that they knew you liked Evanescence. "Anywho, he started picking fun of Evanescence (Even though he has their CD and likes it) to make me mad." -- In other words, you implied that he started all of this to annoy you.

I didn't say you did. I simply was telling everyone not to get that picture in their head. I didn't relate my post to you specifically.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:40 am 
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Sure to say all of that pretty much just to get to you sucks, but I really don't think you should've reacted the way you did.

I remember when I went through my Pearl Jam faze (don't laugh :P lol)... I was totally obsessed and most (if not all) of my friends hated them and they weren't afraid to say it in front of my face.
But it didn't bother me at all because they were entitled to their opinion. Just like I couldn't stand some of the music my friends listened to.
*shrugs* It's nothing to get angry about.

Anywho.... next time.. just brush off their comments and move along. Don't give them the satisfaction of making you angry.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:27 am 
Beyond Godly
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The best way to deal with such situations is to laugh at yourself or make a joke out of it. It will lighten the atmosphere and you may end up making friends with those people, or at least not enemies. I know it is very difficult for someone like you who has a large amount of self-pride (I'm not saying it's bad) to do so, but really, I've always laughed at myself when people try to tease me, and they either go away feeling stupid or stop doing it.

Really, just swallow your pride and look at them with wide eyes and say: "Evanescance is gay?! :o I didn't know! That means they are special! Now I'll like them even more! :D"

Trust me, I've tried it many times (laughing with others if they tease me) and it truly works. People like this derive satisfaction out of annoying you and if you deny them that pleasure, they will stop. They may even start liking you because, hey, it takes a cool and exceptional person to laugh at themself, right? ;)

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:36 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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By all means you should defend the fact you like Evanesance, but getting phyiscal over it is gonna cause strife. In school all actions have a negative reaction, you'll get a reputation, and people will tease you about evanesance to try and get a reaction. Its better in my opinion to just ignore any crap said.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:30 am 
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I've learnt that many people in my school are close minded about alot of things. They expect everyone to listen, eat, watch, and dress the same way, and if someone doesnt, then they are "gay" or "freaks".

I dress quite classy but preppy, but my musical taste isnt what you'd expect off of me. Many of my friends sit and watch turkish shows all day, but I'm quite comfortable with the food channel and the discovery channel.

I think I'm lucky, because my friends except that I'm different from them, or atleast I have different tastes from them. They all dress pretty much the same, and I'm the odd one out most of the time, but that doesnt bother them, because they respect me enough to understand that I have my own opinions.

But if I was shoving my opinions in their face all the time, without a doubt they would start to get annoyed and start to pick on me. Its the way the world works.

But if someone told me my opinion was A) Stupid and B) Wrong, ofcourse I would get quite upset with them. But in situations like this you gotta use whatever self control you have. The more calm you come off, the more they realise it doesnt bother you. The whole "Just ignore them" advice works, and in time they'll learn that your opinion isnt going to change no matter what name they call you.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:40 am 
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Ok, here's what I think;

Basically my opinion is that you should not get so steamed up by such a thing, even though I realize that it really hit you hard. Those guys will probably always remain as the morons they are, no one should sink to that level.

Everyone has their own taste in music (just to take an example, I really don't like Evanescence, which you obviously do :P), and those guys were making fun of it all probably just because they wanted to bully you in a way or another.

Sure I think it's great that you can stand up to them and tell them what you think, but I do not believe it was worth even thinking about them, their simply not even worth your presence or anyone else's who understands that one should respect others. You know where you stand, don't let them drag you into the trash pile they are sitting in.

Set by everconfused

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:10 pm 
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i know exactly how you feel, i love envanescence, went to their concert thanks to a lovely friend inviting me *i would never have been allowed to go otherwise* but my english class hates them. we had to do a written response to an evanescence article, and boy, i think our teacher really regretted it after, most of the class disintergrated into people yelling out how much they hated her ect, but i'm a quiet person, and don't generally get involved in stuff like that, i've been burned too many times personally to take too involved a stand in some things, guess thats why i'm so quiet in class that i get pointed remarks about it at parent/teacher/student meetings :(

but i do agree that some people have in my view, the wackiest view of the universe ever, and i don't like them, mainly because they don't like me. and the funny thing is, i know that while me english class despises evanescence, plus this adorable story i really like, the lit classes, all of them, do like them, so that makes me laugh, and feel better, there will always be some people we don't like, i know several, but i don't generally have much to do with them and it makes my life better for it. the fact the guy was trying to wind you up wasn't very nice, shows he has a bit to learn about respecting peoples beliefs and what they value, but i don't think he really meant to be a complete insensitive person *you never know though, jk* and they all probably thought it was quite funny. probably the cursing hinted it wasn't that funny, but sometimes you do have to let it go, evanescence also helped me, when i was at my old high school, i could just listen and block out the world, but if someone dared to say those things to my face, i would probably tell them they were dead wrong, and possibly where to go, depending who they were, and walk off. they may not understand, but to me, not worth getting into a load of trouble about it. its good to defend what you believe in, what you value, but always take life with a pinch of salt and a laugh :) no matter how much the situation seems like it doesn't need it, in fact if it does feel like that, it probably needs it more :)

If you see my sanity, get it to give me a call.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:47 pm 
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Well, I don't really think evanescence is worth arguing over... I mean, really, are you evanescence? If someone is going to be immature and intolerant, whats the point in arguing?

Just dont bother, tell them to "have fun with that" and walk on by.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:37 pm 
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robert2100 wrote:
Les garcons dans ta classe sont des cochons :P

But seriously, they are allowed to have their opinions, but to pick fun at people who like certain things is just mean. You didn't over react I don't think :)

BTW: I am in French Immersion(I live in Canada...La plus bonne pays dans la monde) :D

:Offtopic: La meilleure pays au monde

I been there too, buddy. Good times with FI.

Let me tell you, trying to defend the Bealtes back when Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys were big was painful. Eventually stupidity wears away and people recognize true talent. Just stick to your convictions.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:06 pm 
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Skullsplitter wrote:
Well, I don't really think evanescence is worth arguing over... I mean, really, are you evanescence? If someone is going to be immature and intolerant, whats the point in arguing?

I honestly couldn't tell you why I defended them so hard. I just couldn't. It's just, I guess my experiences with their songs and how I feel about them. It's too hard to explain.

I appreciate all the support and I do now realise I acted very stupid. I do have a right to defend them but what I was doing was ridiculous.

And, everyone has been talking about respecting people's opinions well my best friends keep saying this, "Ammer, we have to get you another band. This is ridiculous,". They have been saying this ever since the beginning of the school year. I respect their bands therefore why can't they respect mine?

I tell them this and they laugh.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:27 pm 
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coming2atvnearu wrote:
robert2100 wrote:
Les garcons dans ta classe sont des cochons :P

But seriously, they are allowed to have their opinions, but to pick fun at people who like certain things is just mean. You didn't over react I don't think :)

BTW: I am in French Immersion(I live in Canada...La plus bonne pays dans la monde) :D

:Offtopic: La meilleure pays au monde

I been there too, buddy. Good times with FI.

Let me tell you, trying to defend the Bealtes back when Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys were big was painful. Eventually stupidity wears away and people recognize true talent. Just stick to your convictions.

Offtopic:You see that is why I only have like a 75 in the class :P


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Ammer wrote:

And, everyone has been talking about respecting people's opinions well my best friends keep saying this, "Ammer, we have to get you another band. This is ridiculous,". They have been saying this ever since the beginning of the school year. I respect their bands therefore why can't they respect mine?

I tell them this and they laugh.

That sounds like my class (and my friends)
Me : I like Keane (or whoever)
Friend: But Raze, they're really bad!
Me: But it's only my taste, its my choice
Freind : You have crap taste then.

And so it goes on. Apparently I'm not allowed to like certain things but I just ignore that. It works most of the time (notice the subtle most there :P)

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:37 pm 

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Fiddelysquat wrote:
Articfox wrote:
Your a man who likes his Evanescence.

Not sure what exactly why it infuriated you to such a point, but let people think what they want sometimes, it is just music remember, just because someone doesn't like them I guess thats just them....if someone hated the band I liked I could care less, even though were different people try not to get so bent out of shape about such things.

However, if anybody starts insulting you about music, by all means defend yourself. And if anybody is dumb enough to get physical about it...

Palm of your heel to their jaw should do it. :D

Indeed, now I know that theres some knumbchucks in my basement somehwere...


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