i know exactly how you feel, i love envanescence, went to their concert thanks to a lovely friend inviting me *i would never have been allowed to go otherwise* but my english class hates them. we had to do a written response to an evanescence article, and boy, i think our teacher really regretted it after, most of the class disintergrated into people yelling out how much they hated her ect, but i'm a quiet person, and don't generally get involved in stuff like that, i've been burned too many times personally to take too involved a stand in some things, guess thats why i'm so quiet in class that i get pointed remarks about it at parent/teacher/student meetings
but i do agree that some people have in my view, the wackiest view of the universe ever, and i don't like them, mainly because they don't like me. and the funny thing is, i know that while me english class despises evanescence, plus this adorable story i really like, the lit classes, all of them, do like them, so that makes me laugh, and feel better, there will always be some people we don't like, i know several, but i don't generally have much to do with them and it makes my life better for it. the fact the guy was trying to wind you up wasn't very nice, shows he has a bit to learn about respecting peoples beliefs and what they value, but i don't think he really meant to be a complete insensitive person *you never know though, jk* and they all probably thought it was quite funny. probably the cursing hinted it wasn't that funny, but sometimes you do have to let it go, evanescence also helped me, when i was at my old high school, i could just listen and block out the world, but if someone dared to say those things to my face, i would probably tell them they were dead wrong, and possibly where to go, depending who they were, and walk off. they may not understand, but to me, not worth getting into a load of trouble about it. its good to defend what you believe in, what you value, but always take life with a pinch of salt and a laugh

no matter how much the situation seems like it doesn't need it, in fact if it does feel like that, it probably needs it more

If you see my sanity, get it to give me a call.