Living In Canada-Ottawa, Ontario
Some things that I'm looking for are:
What is popular (aka, fads)?
There arn't really any fads going around right now

What do you do for fun?
Hang out with my friends, go to the movies, the mall, rent movies, listen to music type thing.
What's school like (does everyone go to a school that has uniforms, etc)?
Well I go to a Cathoilic School(Not like Nuns and stuff, it is like public school, except with a religion course), we don't have uniforms this year but next year they want to give us them. All the students are fighting it. Any who there are about 1700 students. grades 8-12. The hours re 8:25-3:35
What foods do you eat?
The normal American/Canadian Stuff, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Beef, Pork, Poultry, Fish, Salads ect..
What kind of delicacies are there?
Caviar...things like that.
What's the weather like?
November-March=Winter, It is cold, snowy, dry..temperatures are ussually around -20
April-May=Spring, It is chilly, wet, temperatures are about 10-20 degrees
June-Agust=Summer, It is hot, and can be dry or wet, temperatures are around 25-30 degrees.
September-November=Fall, it is a depressing season, rainy, cold, temperature around 10 degrees
What kind of music does everyone listen (or the majority)/ what bands are popular?
Everyone listens to different things, but the major things are Rap(not hard rap though) R&B, Rock, Classic Rock, Punk
What do you wear?
Hoddies, Long sleeve sweat shirts, jeans, running shoes.[/b]