I'm Alex.
Okay, okay.
I'm a thirteen-year-old girl from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. I'd like to think I go to Hogwarts or Salem (an American witch academy, which is mentioned in GoF), but alas, I never got my letter. =(
I have hazel-yellow-green-brown eyes that are very, very odd. I also have very thick, very long, very wavy (it would be super-curly, but I have so much hair, it just weighs it all down, pah) and bushy (think worse than book!Hermione's hair. Don't think Emma Watson!Hermione hair, as that's not Hermione-hair!) brown-auburn hair and vampire-skin.
I'm short and chubby, much to my chagrin. I wear glasses, as my eyesight sucks pig dung (no, seriously, my eyesight SUCKS) (I'm nearsighted).
I like reading. I like books. I like history, fantasy and realistic fiction. And did I mention, I like books and reading?
I'm sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic and a great bundle of fun to be with, especially when you say something stupid and I, in return, either insult you or ignore you for the rest of my life.
Yes, I AM obsessed with HP in real life. I am also still a Grammar Fairy.
I'm a vegetarian, and I love animals. I don't love PETA, though they send me stuff anyway (I got this 'blow the whistle on cruelty' thing yesterday, complete with a tacky plastic blue whistle. I wonder if they realise how harmful plastic blue whistles can be if animals swallow them.).
I like candles, my kitties, hugging my kitties, fuzzy socks, acting, art, Apple/Mac, and driftwood.
I'm rather Bohemian-meets-Gypsy-meets-romantic-meets-classic. Though my bedroom's style is just mess.
I love Californa. I was born in some hospital in Santa Monica (I can't remember the name, must ask my mom), in the Steven Spielberg suite. I lived in L.A. for six years, and then we moved to Hell. Actually, we moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where we live now.
I have a monst- er, younger sister, Gaby (who lurks here under the username of 'Starflower'), and two parents, who will probably get divorced sometime in the next few years.
I love Monty Python.
I have a serious case of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which, let me tell you, sucks one heck of a lot. I'm also rather depressed, which also sucks.
According to my IQ, I'm a genius, but as IQs only pertain to how well you answer specific questions... I still like to think I'm a genius, ha.
I love acting, and would really love to be an actress when I'm an adult, theatre or film. Though not musical theatre, as my singing voice can/may kill small animals. However, I love Broadway. =) *Trying to get tickets on Ebay for a 'Wicked' performance before Idina Menzel leaves*
I'm homeschooled, and in the eight grade.
I enjoy creative writing, drawing and painting with watercolours. See, making rubbish with Photoshop 7 isn't my only so-called skill! =P
I am a Bahá'í. I'm more of an Agnostic, though. *Shuts up about anything else religous-related, so doesn't start a debate and get in trouble*
I am a procrastinating slob, which doesn't really help my ADD, unfortunately.
My favourite colours are purple, dusty rose, and midnight blue.
I also love music. My favourite artists/groups are Jet, Rachel Yamagata, Nelly Furtado, the Strokes and other rock/alternative/whatever stuff-things. I dunno. I also like to listen to old music (classical, romance (not love, the musical period, sillies), rennaissance...).
I love sugar, and am hyper, insane and annoyingly obnoxious half of the time, muahaha.
I'd like to live in New Zealand or the UK, sometime in the future.
I love mythology.
My favourite TV shows are CSI (omg liek so kewl), Lost (squeeeee) and Desperate Housewives (funnnyyyyyyy). =3
My favourite smilies are =3, >=3, =D, >=D, ^_^ and ^o^. =3 is sorta my trademark, haha.
My favourite food is mashed potatoes and potato and leek soup. I lurve potatoes. Yummeh.
My favourite movie is 'Finding Neverland'. Used to be RotK, but Finding Neverland beat that out of the 'fave movie' slot in my brain, with a battery acid-coated mace and a lot of imagination, squee.

Finding Neverland.
I loathe rap, most pop, seafood, meat, overrated celebrities, people who shove their opinions in your face and refuse to acknowledge that there are other opinions in the world and that opinions are subjective anyway, insects (I'm a self-proclaimed entomophobic), spiders (*Arachnephobic*), anything with too many legs, sheep (not the animal, the people who follow blindly), people who can't/won't develop their own opinion of things (question everything, even what you believe in!), and lots of other things. As I said, cynical and pessimistic.
I hate chatspeak and 1337 with the hate of a thousand cynical and pessimistic grammar fairies. Oh, it takes too long to type out normal English? TOO BAD. NO BRAIN FOR YOU. You have a learning disorder? PROOF-READ, I DO IT AND I HAVE A LEARNING DISORDER. GRR.
I also like swimming and rambling on about myself. =)
(Geez, this is long)