I think it may have been Zero who got attacked by a rabid squirrel earlier on in the year. Well, I totally know how you feel girl!
I think I've already told Skullsplitter this actually but I GOT ATTACKED BY A SQUIRREL!!!!!!!
I work at IKEA in Birmingham (drop by!) and you have to walk through a small woodland to get to the staff entrance. I'm walking down this pathway and I hear a rustle. I carry on walking and another rustle comes. Then suddenly this squirrel jumps AT me and shoots up a tree. I start screaming (loudly) as it scared me half to death and it JUMPS AT ME AGAIN! I'm there screaming and yelling and leaping about trying to get away from this freaking squirrel. It lands on the path in front of me and starts darting from side to side doing this little dance thing. I'm STILL screaming and aim a kick at it (wearing hefty, steel toe capped work boots) but it's still dancing so I missed. This thing wouldn't let me pass and started SPITTING at me!
So by now I'm almost hysterical (what? It was scary!) and realise I'm almost late for work. My friend was just at the staff entrance and she's looking at me really weird as she couldn't see the squirrel. God, what I must have looked like, screaming at the top of my lungs, leaping about, trying to get past this stupid squirrel.
In the end I think I must have scared it as it took one final jump at me and then ran off.
I'm not joking, it was really scary!

Funny though.
I feel cruel for trying to kick it though, I'm glad I missed in the end. I've now come to the conclusion that squirrels are nothing but rats with good PR.