Cyanna wrote:
Girl IM's Guy about maybe giving this dating thing a try...
Girl writes this post a little more then a year and a half later.

You two are so adorable.
Well, here is my contribution.
Around homecoming this year, I was starting to become a lot closer with my friends Vanessa and Leah. As I became closer with them, I became closer with their friends, including Dustin.
Every weekend, a group of five or six of us would hang out. I got to know them all very well, but I got to know Dustin better, because we would hang out in our choir class all the time.
I started to have some feelings for Dustin. There was no way that I was going to say a thing, though. He was two years older then me, and it seemed as though everything was just not going to work. I didn't want to risk our great friendship on a dumb chance.
But the year continued on (as years tend to do) and we got even closer. After a while, I had people asking if we were dating. I had to look at them funny, just because I didn't see it. Man, was I blind.
After a while, I started to wonder if maybe he had the same sort of feelings as I did. We were caroling partners in choir, and he had given me a ride home after one of the things we had to carol at. (He gave me lots of rides...especially home from school every day.) I called him later that night, and told him that I had been hearing from people that perhaps he had a thing for me. I asked if it was true.
He said that it wasn't.
So, I figured that everything was like I thought, and that it was a good thing that I hadn't said anything. And I thought that it was ok. I thought I would be able to get over whatever I had for him, and just keep being good friends.
Skip ahead a few weeks.
One day, I had dragged him along Christmas shopping with me, and we were sitting in the food court of the mall, taking a break after searching forever for the perfect gift for my secret santa. I don't remember exactly how it came up, but he was saying something about how he used to lie a lot when he was younger, and how it was a really bad thing. I told him I agreed.
He looked up at me funny, and said something along the lines of "Yeah, I've been really good about it lately, except for one thing." I inquired into what that one thing was. He wouldn't say. He said something along the lines of " is something that I just can't tell anyone. People would get mad. Well, no...not mad. Upset maybe. I guess the worst thing that could happen is that things could stay the same. But I don't know...I just don't want to say."
Prompting the question of why he even brought it up. *rolls eyes* Anyway.
So, little ol' me went home and started to put together the puzzle. A big part of me said that all this added up to him maybe having something for me. I thought that was rather egotistical of me, so then the negative part of me told the optimistic part to shut it's piehole...and the internal conflict started.
So, I was just sick of it. We had a midevil dinner the following Sunday night for our choir program, and afterwards, he gave me a ride home.
So I told him. I said straight up that I had been having romantic feelings for him.
He looked at me and his eyes bugged out. He turned away, and then turned back and simply said "Me too. That is what I was lying about."
*grins* So now we are dating, and everything is just fine fine fine. (Sorry, Alanis Morissette allusion there.)
Wow, that was long.
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