Warning ?
My clumsy physics Lab partner was always knocking over or spilling things.
So naturally when a beaker was spilt all over my Lab note book, I grabbed it
and lifted quickly out of the way.
How does one explain to the lecturer why my entire years work is shattered into
a hundred pieces ?
Luckily the partner did not stay for another year. He noted that a 1 inch diameter
polished steel optical reflector was very dirty. It needed more than just a simple wipe.
Intending to moisten it........ he lost a huge chunk out of the centre of his tongue !
I think he was expelled after a "snap oral test".
Otherwise, it's great fun for the careful.
Freeze a can of shaving cream and then peel the can away from the
cream. Put the canless cream into someone's car. Let the oven-like
heat from the car's sitting in the sun defrost the shaving cream.
2 cans will fill an entire car. (Coulter C. Henry, Jr.)

(4) I freeze balloons, as you mention, but in a better way.
Blow up a balloon and slip the end of the balloon over the open
end of a test tube, and place the closed end in a dewar full of
LN2. Your breath in the balloon will slowly liquify (10-15 minutes).
When the balloon is completely deflated, lift the test tube out of
the dewar and the audience can see your liquified breath in the
test tube. The tube will frost up, but you can wipe the frost off
with your fingers. Rest the test tube in a beaker, and as time
passes, the balloon will inflate again.

Something nasty is proposed by Craig Shaw:
fill a small bottle with ln2 then screw the lid on tight. Put in a bag of flour and seal with elastic band. Then run