I've read this theory once, about special powers and the like.
Now, you've all heard that we only use 12% (or something like that. Don't sue me if I'm wrong) of our brain. It's believed that if someone can or is taught to unlock a certain extra percentage of their brain, they can gain the ability to do strange and powerful things. I think it only really works if you're born with the ability though.
I'm a real believer of this paranormal stuff myself. I belive there is more to the world than what you can see with your own two eyes, or hear with your own two ears.
I know of something strange that happened to me when I was around 2, almost 3. I could speak fluent Polish back then, by the way

Anyway, my parents told me this story about me when I was this age. They claimed that I told them everything that happened. I had seen some kind of spirit (I called it an angel when I saw it), and it told me that my mum was pregnant with my younger brother. It also said other things to me, but I never quite told my parents everything else, and it was too long ago for me to remember. On behold, my mum was 3-4 months into her pregnancy. I had never been told that my mum was pregnant, as a precaution so that I wouldn't get jealous.
I don't know what this was about, why it happened, or even how to properly explain what I think about it. I believe I may have seen a spirit or ghost, which informed me for some reason.
This is a true story, however you are trusting the words of a 2 year old me, so it may not be entirely truthful.
And then theres the usual:
*Deja vu
*Dreams that come true
*Predicting that a certain episode of a TV show would air, and look out, it airs O_o
*I also seem to be able to hear high pitch noises much more, especially from computers, printers, TVs, etc.
I've also heard a couple of other stories from family member if anyone cares to hear them (if not, then ignore the rest at the bottom

). A lot of family from my dad's side tend to believe they have either had a paranormal experience or have some kinds of special powers. My Grandmother for instance, is able to know when anyone in her family is sick or in trouble. And the freaky thing about this is that she lives in Poland, and when I got really sick here in Australia with some kind of stomach flu, she called up almost immediately, and asked if everything was alright.
My Auntie, also claimed to talk to a dead friend of her's in a dream. Now, whilst this may seem like a simple dream at first, listen to the rest. Her friend was really sorry for not being able to say good-bye to her properly, so he did so in the dream. Then he said, he is going to a happier place, and in the dream he kissed my aunt's forehead. She immediately woke up, and she could feel as if someone had just touched her forehead. She also noticed that the curtain was moving a little, despite the fact that the window was closed. Now, whether thats a special power or just a paranormal experience, I dunno, but she claims to have seen dark shadows moving when no one else could see them, and had similar dreams on other occasions.
Okay, well thats all. If you've read through it all, I have to congradulate you on your patience.