I've been reading just anecdotal stories. You've probably heard about the woman (I believe her name was Sophie) who had to choose which of her sons to let go of (or more accurately, "pry his fingers off her arm") in order to save herself and her son. She chose to let go of her five-year-old in favor of saving her infant. The five-year-old ended up surviving because a stranger grabbed hold of him. How awful would it be to grow up knowing your mom left you for dead because she preferred your brother? I also read about an Aussie who helped rescue a lot of people in Thailand but was later arrested because police recognized him on TV as a suspected burglar. Oh well, maybe they'll cut him some slack.
Maybe she realised that her five-year-old son would have a better chance at surviving, than the infant, even if it was small. I doubt that she wanted to let him go, but she had no choice. The infant wouldn't understand what was going on, and would most likely die. The five-year-old could at least run, right? I think, anyway.
Also, I read this, but it's on paper, not from a site, so I'll quote it:
Environmental activists are shamelessly trying to exploit the earthquake-tsunami catastrophe in hopes of advancing their global warming and anti-development agendas.
Two days after the tragedy, the executive director of Greenpeace UK told British newspaper The Independant, "No one can ignore the relentless increase in extreme weather events and so-called natural disasters, which in reality are no more natural than a plastic Christmas tree."
..."Here again are yet more events in the real world that are consisten with the climate change predictions." ... "We can expect in the coming years similar events happening as a result of global warming and therefore help and prevention are the responsibility of the Northern countries as well."
Exploitation of tragedy is a sport played not only by environmentalists.
Insurer Munich Re used the event as an opportunity to renew its call for action to fight global warming, which the insurance industry has recently started to blame for natural disasters.
...((bunch of facts about tectonics

... WHile tectonics may cause climate changes, the reverse is not true.
Despite the fictional tsunami that hit New York in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, there is no realistic climate change scenario that could possibly cause a tsunami-spawning earthquake.
Environmentalists are also looking to blame economic development for the devastation wreaked by the tsunamis in hopes of slowing down progress in the third world.
"A creeping rise in sea levels tied to global warming, pollution, and damage to coral reefs may make coastlines even more vulnerable to disasters like tsunamis or storms in future, experts said," reported Reuters this week. "Coasts are under threat in many countries," said... "Development of roads, shrimp farms, ribbon development along coasts and tourism are eroding natural defences in Asia.
Actually, sea levels in the region have been declining, according to satellite data and the long-term record of sea level changes for Bombay. ...
Given that fact, how deceptive and calculating of the environmentalists to blame 'development' as the deadly cause!
It's bad enough that environmentalists continually try to advance their agendas based on what can only be described as comically wrong information. But what's really troubling is that they seem hell-bent on denying poor nations the opportunity to develop economically so as to pull themselves out of their abject poverty.
Global warming activists are pressuring western banks to not make loans to energy projects in the developing world. Without energy, Third World economies are doomed to remain undeveloped. Citigroup and Bank of America have already caved-in to activist demands, ...
Malaria is yet another threat that tsunami survivors will face. Yet the environmentalist-led, junk science-fuelled ban on the insecticide DDT has had, and will continue to have, terrible human and economic impacts on the developing world.
The tsunamis are a terrible natural disaster -- but they are made worse by the not-so-natural disaster known as modern environmentalism.
SOrry that it's so long, the '...' are the stuff that wasn't so important to type

heh. And sorry if there are any typos, I was typing as quickly as I could, hehe.
Those environmentalists... This article (from National Post) plain shocked me. An earthquake... NOT being natural??? Yeah, right. Pretty sad, if you ask me.
But I'm very happy, because my school is doing a fundraiser, (I'm helping, phwee!^^*) and we're giving it to the red cross, but since it's more, the government has to match it! Very happy about that, and I'm hoping that my school raises a lot of money!