Scholastic wrote:
I feel sad about my friend, his mom's family came from NAD (Nanggro Aceh Darussalam), and about 15 of his' cousin missing from that earthquake and tsunami catastrophe. It causes him to not goto school for about 6 days or more. Thanks god I live in Jakarta, not Aceh. But still, I never forget the tragedy that causes almost 125,000 victims.
The one thing that make me confuse, is why our (Indonesia) government didn't told them to aware from the earthquake. Just because my country doesn't have tsunami's acquiescent tool, it doesn't mean we can't detect the earthquake, right?
// fyi, i'm from indonesia.
The earthquake was out at see, when a landmass due to movements of the earth's surface. Sometimes similas earthquakes happen but they do not result in Tsunamis. Therefore special equipment is needed to measure how much a part of the sea falls down (this time it dropped just one meter but had a diameter of some kilometers). These falldown cause massive movement in the water and tsumanis are created.
Now, think that was understandable?

Anyway, main point is that with just measuring the richter of the quake will never tell you for certain if it has created an approaching tsunami.
Further on, the Indonesian government and many others did not tell the public about the quake because of economic reasons. Which was foolish enough.
Well, atleast the government can decrease the victims by telling them to flee. Because the 8.9 richter of scale earthquake is enough already to kill so many peoples. And also from what I've heard is, if the earthquake already reach 6.0 richter of scale or more, it can make large tsunami, can't it?