Just an update...he's home now.
His catscans and x-rays came back clear, so the released him to me from the ICU today.
I found out he was not wearing a seatbelt.
That's why so many deep cuts in his head, his head went through the windshield. That considered, he was very lucky this wasn't worse. He easily could have been ejected out of the car.
Runedit: The following images are slightly graphic. They'll remain as just links.
Val edit: Sorry about that, Rune. Thanks.
So, 40 stitches later....
I think I'll just throw the clothes away, the shirt anyhow. I really don't think that blood is going to come out.
So, he's home now...and getting rest. The worst is over.
I've been fighting hard not to yell at him about the seatbelt thing. I've always nagged at him about the seatbelt and he always blew me off with a "Yeah, yeah." Now that I'm not so worried I just wanna wring his neck about him not wearing it. But considering I spent a good part of the afternoon pulling out remaining glass shards from his scalp with a pair of tweezers, I think he'll FINALLY get the idea it's best to wear one.
Please remind your friends and loved ones today about the importance of safety belts.

Thanks again for all your support.