ChromeFox wrote:
I remember watching an old video on Nostradamus that described how the end times would be. You know, earthquakes, volcanoes, Great Britain getting swallowed in a massive flood, that whole mess. The video claimed that we'd all be doomed by........brace yourselves.........1986! We all gave a half-hearted laugh at that one. Half-hearted because the video was still very disturbing.
I have to say the "Hister" thing was convincing, but I'm still skeptical. If you care to know how ol' Nostradamus thinks the world's gonna end, I think I remember some of it (although I learned about it a few years ago, so my memory's a bit fuzzy)...Anyway, the first two antichrists (there's three in all) were Napoleon and Hitler, and the final OMG 00BER!!!11 antichrist is a guy named Mabus, nationality unknown. So far I haven't heard of any world leaders that have a name similar to "Mabus," so I think we're safe so far.
There will be a huge, horrible World War III where 1/3 of the earth's population will die. It will involve the Northern Pole Alliance (AKA "good guys," a rough offshoot of the Allied Powers), the United States, Canada (YES, CANADA, YOU HAVE TO FIGHT NOW!!), Great Britain, and Russia vs. China and the Middle East. The NPA does eventually win, but at a huge cost. Australia, who doesn't really participate, gets pummeled by China but manages to survive, however they become isolated and distrustful of other nations, since their so-called allies didn't come to their aid. After the war, there are a few more peaceful years before all hell breaks loose. Great Britain drowns in the aforementioned massive flood. North America has to deal with those pesky faultlines in the form of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. I forget what happens to Russia. Anyway, the world ends, yada yada yada.
Doesn't that sound like fun??! I like John Titor's prediction a lot better.
Us fight? Never! XD We're quite happy to sit and watch all of your armies, who are much better equipped and trained than ours, pummel the bad guys