Slender Loris
This Small, slim primate moves with great deliberation, gripping twigs with all 4 feet - until it suddenly smells, sees, and with its front legs snatches a small creature such as an insect or lizard. It also eats soft leaves, and buds, fruits, and birds' eggs. By day, the slender loris curls up in a tree hole, dense leaf nest, or similar secure place.
Proboscis monkey
Among the most specialized and distinctive of mammals, the proboscis monkey occupies very restricted habitats near water in lowland rainforest, mangrove swamps, and coasts on the island of Borneo. The average troop is one male with 6-10 females and their young. The male defends his group, honks loudly, bares his teeth at agressors.
Simmilar in shape to armadillos and anteaters, pangolins are covered in overlapping scales, which act as armor and camouflage. Pangolins lack teet; prey (ants and termites) is collected with the tongue and powerful muscles in the stomach "chew" the food. Pangolins are found in southern Asia and Africa.
Maned Wolf
African Wild Dog
Maybe those two aren't so weird sounding; but they're both fascinating. Especially the Wild Dogs social structure. And they're both becoming increasingly rare.
Maned wolves are a lower risk species, and Wild Dogs are endangered.
Resembling a diminutive brown "big cat", the fossa is lithe, agile and an excellent leaper and climber. Madagascars largest carnivore, this muscular, powerful predator hunts by day or night, using the stalk-and-pounce mtehod. It originally specialized in hunting lemurs but now also takes pigs, poultry, and other domesticated animals.
The Binturong has shaggy black fur and tufted ears. Its tail is long-haired and prehensile at the tip. It moves slowly and cautiously among branches in search of fruits, shoots and small animals. By day it curls up on a secluded branch to rest, but may continue to feed.
The Falanouc.
It lives in Madagascar, and is severely endangered. Beautiful creatures; but I can't find good pictures of them.
Pallas Tube-nosed bat
I have more... but i'm too lazy to post them (oiy!)

Evisceration is a sign of respect.