Ok, lesse here.
I tend to type the same as I speak, so I usually wind up with things like ya instead of yes, saying heh (short laugh) at the beginning of most things I say, and stuff like that.
I tend to say "Ya know" at the end of most of my sentences.
When up late, many people have thought I was high (maybe that's why it's so easy for me to stay off of drugs)
Despite technically being an adult (I'm 18 ), I'm going into it kicking and screaming. Nothing will tear me from my love of sugar frosted cereal and old cartoons!
Despite the above comment, some of my favorite people to talk to are adults. There was a chat on the neoboards a few days ago asking how many adults were playing, and while people occasionally popped in to say things like "Hi, I'm 25" or "Hi, I'm 40", it wound up mostly being a conversation between me and about 3 other adults. Come to think of it, it was the same day as the search for the sidebar and the Mr. Chipper BTY (went between them)
Plenty of times, I've had no greater desire in the world than to be my character. Mainly because of the magic and technological skills I've given him, although the whole "different species" thing would be a hassle. I've never woken up as him, but I have had dreams where I'm him if I've spent some heavy RPing time before sleeping.
Like Kugetsu and Shollia, I do something regarding zombies, but not looking for hiding spots. I try to see just what I'd use for a weapon (easy around my house. Hmm, katana, or huge broadsword...), whether it be a chair, a knife, a pipe, or even the belt in the pocket of my trenchcoat. I guess I'm just a tad more proactive