Erin wrote:
Oh, a new Lost AND a new Alias. This is like, a night in heaven for me.
Happy Lost-Day!
Yes! I love this night as well.
There was a time when Wednesday was my least favourite day of the week (not only that... it was 2nd least favourite thing in the world). But thanks to Lost (and as of this season, my new found Alias)... Wednesday is the best day ever!
EDIT: I posted my thoughts on the episode, then I realized I was the last to post, so I just edited them together...
Woah! Charlie! I really actually didn't see that coming, which is a shocker, as I am usually good at predicting what will happen when watching a show. I agree though, there's no way they could have contained him if they did manage to capture him.
I was so relieved that Claire was happy at the end. I really thought that she wouldn't trust him after that. But she did and I'm happy. Peanut Butter!!!
Poor Random Extra... I mean Steve... I mean Scott... He was so young... or... old? or... well they didn't really talk about him ever did they...
Charlie's story was sad/funny (good old puke-humour...). At first I was thinking "How does this relate to the story on the island?" but then I figured it out... That last bit was sad...
What's up with Jin? He seemed to be concerned about the baby. Or he is just suspicious of his wife's language abilities...
Why does it always rain when something exciting happens? It was all sunny and then BAM as soon as they try to trap Ethan, it starts to rain... Curse you pathetic fallacy! It just makes it so hard to see at times!
I love Lost! I love Claire!.... I love LOST!... ... ...
EDIT AGAIN: Just saw the preview for the next episode: Looks good. I wonder how Jack and Sawyer are somehow connected... Hmm...