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Naa, I dont mind. 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Annoying, but harmless... but annoying. 28%  28%  [ 15 ]
Horrible! I wish people would stop typing like that. 67%  67%  [ 36 ]
Hey! I chatspeak sometimes! Its awsome! 4%  4%  [ 2 ]
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:56 am 
Beyond Godly
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Makes me question they're intelligence... How they talk and act in real life...
And I don't even get why people use chatspeak... Its takes more of an effort to write lYk3 than like.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:26 pm 
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I don't mind stuff like "brb" or "g2g" (and I hope nobody else minds it either, because I use those). But I do take notice when people type in all lowercase, and I don't like it when people seriously use chatspeak. (If it's a joke, like to make fun of people who do use it, then I don't mind.)

And as for 1337...well, I used to be able to read it fluently, but when that topic came out on the old forums where everyone was talking in it, I lost that ability. It does seem like it's come back since then...but I still don't like having to read a lot of it. And what's the point? I mean, it's much easier to type "I hate chatspeak!" than "3y3 |-|8 (|-|475p33|<!1!!!11!!1!!1!1!!11!11!!1"

(Yes, I do realize that people who use 1337 don't actually use overexaggerated exclamation marks.)


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:15 pm 
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I can't stand it, and if I am at a message board, I skip posts that are written like that. I can tolerate the occasional "u" for "you," but beyond that I lose patience quickly. I'm not going to spend a lot of time attempting to decipher a post that is usually not worth my time anyway.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:52 pm 
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I hate it. It's not hard to type out full words. However, things like "brb" and "btw" are acronyms (I believe that's the right word) and therefore not chatspeak, so those are acceptable.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:02 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Don't get me started on that... I can stand "lol" and "gtg" or "brb", but if you replace words with letters and letters with numbers, I'm going to have to go to your house and beat you over the head with some rather blunt object while you're laughing over the fact that no one can understand you. With that said, I sometimes like to post something in mild chatspeak or a couple of words either just to annoy people, or to poke fun at people making fools of themselves. :D

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:42 pm 
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I find chatspeak incredibly annoying. I don't mind things like "lol" or "brb" "g2g" but when I'm talking to someone and every single word is 1337 or chatspeak it gets a bit tiring. :P

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:04 pm 
Beyond Godly
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pah, lesser 1337 is the child of bob dylon and tyranid05.
greater 1337 (using NOTHING but numbers and puncuation) is to be respected mind, if only because its so stupidly hard to right and translate.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:36 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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fzun wrote:
If it's just very little, like using 'u' instead of 'you', then I can tolerate it. But things like '0mfGGg lYk h3 iZz s00oOoOoOoo hOtTTTtTT!' uhhh no.

Exactly. I have tons of friends that use "u" instead of "you". But 1337 completely annoys me.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:22 pm 
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I find it absolutely amusing when chatspeakers insult me and tell me off for using proper grammar, puncuation, and spelling.

I don't like chatspeak, leet, angelspeak, etc.

Acronyms are ok, I use "lol" and "brb" and "omg" from time to time. Though, it's gotten to the point where I'm using "Oh Em Gee" instead of "omg" and "Be Are Be" instead of "brb". Which is kind of fun.

I have a tendancy to greet my friends using chatspeak, just for a lark, for example, if Spira had just gotten online, I might say something like:

"LieK Oh Em Gee! its SpIrA!!11!1eleven!!11"

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:42 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Blarghhhhhith! Down with the chatspeak. Online, I use u for you, brb, gtg, lol, omg and things like that. But I have a friend from school who IMs me sometimes I cannot understand her.

HER: EyYYY SARRRAHHH itz ma frum skoo
ME: Frum? What's Frum? It sounds like nasty wanna-be Pepsi.



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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AFI_Sorrow wrote:
Blarghhhhhith! Down with the chatspeak. Online, I use u for you, brb, gtg, lol, omg and things like that. But I have a friend from school who IMs me sometimes I cannot understand her.

HER: EyYYY SARRRAHHH itz ma frum skoo
ME: Frum? What's Frum? It sounds like nasty wanna-be Pepsi.


now that, gets right on my nerves, except when used ironicly.
especially when people say LOL to me, i was seriously tempted to sing bad, bad, songs at the last person to do that one.
(inside joke, sufficed to say it wouldnt be pretty)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:21 am 
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Anyone who dares tarnish the immaculate face of the English language by using chatspeak should be forced to stand on a red-hot bed of needles.

The barbarian chatspeaker, while standing on the needles, should be listening to a mixture of Britney Spears, nails scraping on a chalkboard and two sheets of sandpaper being rubbed togehter vigourously.

The room they will be in will be approximately one and a half feet wide from side to side and back to front, and will be five feet tall. If the chatspeaker can't fit in it, that's their own darned problem.

And it won't be airconditioned. And there will be no windows, just very, very small breathing holes.

They will stay in there until they've decided to not ever use chatspeak again and that they'll use perfect grammar, punctuation and spelling for the rest of their lives. If they don't, they'll go straight back to the chatspeak box.

Do I sound too harsh? Yes? Good.

I despise chatspeak with every microscopic cell in my body.

I can stand it if someone's using it as a parody, or to mock chatspeakers.

Don't get me wrong. I may love the English language, but my grammar isn't perfect, obviously - however, that doesn't mean I'm about to use chatspeak, or type, "how r u".

Either type out the word(s) or look like an idiot. It's are, not r. You, not u. Too/to, not 2. For, not 4. Understand?

And while I can stand the abbreviation 'OMG', for some reason, I can't even think of 'lol' without becoming irritated. 'OMG' is really the only abbreviation I can stand, actually. I have no idea why.

Besides. 'Lol' sounds quite a bit like 'loll', which makes me think of Nearly Headless Nick's head lolling about, not quite decapitated. Yuck.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:15 am 
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If a person's going to talk to me, they can take the time to do it properly. If they don't have the time to do it properly, they shouldn't be talking to me.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:45 am 
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I can stand it, just not in the "0mg lyke s0o0o0o kewl" form. If I'm talking to people I know from school then I might take shortcuts sometimes by using 'u' instead of 'you' or 'idk' instead of 'I don't know'. If I'm talking online with someone older than me, though, I use proper grammar. Using all lower case letters I can stand, too. Just as long as they make their contractions right. I can't stand seeing someone write 'were' instead of we're.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:00 am 
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I find it exceptionally annoying and DIFFICULT to read. I can stand abbreviations such as: gtg, brb, lol, cuz blahblah because I am able to understand them...(hopefully :roll:) and my friends usually use those on msn and hey, I have no choice but to tolerate it. I sometimes use gtg/brb/btw/whatever if I'm in a hurry, other than that, I type in full English (although on MSN I sometimes quit the capitals).

Chat speak is detestable *nods*. Someone commented on my xanga (to insult me :P) using some kind of chat speak and it took me A WHILE to figure out what she was trying to say. Yet it was only one paragraph. I even had to try saying out loud and I still couldn't figure it out. Yes, I am chat speak illiterate. :P I did use it a few years ago then I felt that it was getting on my nerves. :roll:

And I don't really aPpReCiAtE pEoPlE tYpInG lIkE tHiS tHrOuGhOuT their conversations (and as you can see it takes HECK of a long time and difficult to read). It's okay if you're just trying to do this on a few words on websites and such (e.g. StyLe or something) but through the whole BLOG I cannot stand; and believe me I have seen blogs like that. I wonder how long does it take them to just TYPE the whole thing out.

And what is the purpose of adding "Z" to e.g. lol? i.e. LOLZ sometimes it may be used for...e.g. skillZ or something (though I still do not see why people use it)?

And I absolutely hate it when I hear people saying "lol" in real life. Believe me, this dude pronounced it as one word and it took me A WHILE to understand what on EARTH he was on about. 0.o

Wouldn't it be hilarious if people who chat speak did that in their university/job applications and say "lol" or whatever in their interview? :P Just something running across my mind.

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