I find it exceptionally annoying and DIFFICULT to read. I can stand abbreviations such as: gtg, brb, lol, cuz blahblah because I am able to understand them...(hopefully

) and my friends usually use those on msn and hey, I have no choice but to tolerate it. I sometimes use gtg/brb/btw/whatever if I'm in a hurry, other than that, I type in full English (although on MSN I sometimes quit the capitals).
Chat speak is detestable *nods*. Someone commented on my xanga (to insult me

) using some kind of chat speak and it took me A WHILE to figure out what she was trying to say. Yet it was only one paragraph. I even had to try saying out loud and I still couldn't figure it out. Yes, I am chat speak illiterate.

I did use it a few years ago then I felt that it was getting on my nerves.
And I don't really aPpReCiAtE pEoPlE tYpInG lIkE tHiS tHrOuGhOuT their conversations (and as you can see it takes HECK of a long time and difficult to read). It's okay if you're just trying to do this on a few words on websites and such (e.g. StyLe or something) but through the whole BLOG I cannot stand; and believe me I have seen blogs like that. I wonder how long does it take them to just TYPE the whole thing out.
And what is the purpose of adding "Z" to e.g. lol? i.e. LOLZ sometimes it may be used for...e.g. skillZ or something (though I still do not see why people use it)?
And I absolutely hate it when I hear people saying "lol" in real life. Believe me, this dude pronounced it as one word and it took me A WHILE to understand what on EARTH he was on about. 0.o
Wouldn't it be hilarious if people who chat speak did that in their university/job applications and say "lol" or whatever in their interview?

Just something running across my mind.