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Are you a vegetarian?
Yes, lacto-ovo. 10%  10%  [ 6 ]
Yes, lacto. 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Yes, vegan. 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
I'm a pescetarian. 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
No, but I've considered it. 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
No, and I have no problem with eating meat. 62%  62%  [ 38 ]
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:06 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Some of the colours, flavourings, and preservitves in icecream are made from meat :D

My brother (not a creadible source) claims about 3/4 of icecreams contain meat based somethings.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:25 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Christopher wrote:
Some of the colours, flavourings, and preservitves in icecream are made from meat :D

My brother (not a creadible source) claims about 3/4 of icecreams contain meat based somethings.

Thanks, Chris. ;)

I dunno. I think I'll stop eating now.

I don't think I'll be making my own cheese, although it's certainly a good idea..thanks anyways, Inrun. :]


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:31 pm 
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Normally the types you can make at home are very simple, white cheeses. *shrugs* They're normally italian in nature.
I did it once with my mother for a recipi of hers, it was fun.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:13 pm 
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I eat meat because of a blood-thing-I-can't-remember-the-name-of-at-the-moment-that-I-get-if-I-don't-eat-meat-that-makes-me-really-really-sick. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't, not because I think its wrong (I think its write,if no one at animals all the farm animals would die), but because meat is pretty gross.

And I've never understood vegans. Why not eat eggs and dairy products? Not trying to be all in-your-face, but I'm just wondering because I don't get it.

Animals have done nothing to other animals unless it was simply for survival

Huh? Animals kill eachother all the time for the heck of it. Dogs do it for fun. Cats do it for dominance, which isn't nessecairy for survival. For goodness sakes, rabbits kill eachother because they want to. Animals kill eachother all the time and its not for survival!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:18 pm 
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nope, but i don't eat meat that very much, more fruits and veggies, lots of vitamin C! :P


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:39 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Jen wrote:
Huh? Animals kill eachother all the time for the heck of it. Dogs do it for fun. Cats do it for dominance, which isn't nessecairy for survival. For goodness sakes, rabbits kill eachother because they want to. Animals kill eachother all the time and its not for survival!

Which reminds me, domesticated cats like to kill rodents and birds, if they're let out to roam. They don't usually eat them, either.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:40 am 

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SpiraLethe wrote:
Jen wrote:
Huh? Animals kill eachother all the time for the heck of it. Dogs do it for fun. Cats do it for dominance, which isn't nessecairy for survival. For goodness sakes, rabbits kill eachother because they want to. Animals kill eachother all the time and its not for survival!

Which reminds me, domesticated cats like to kill rodents and birds, if they're let out to roam. They don't usually eat them, either.

My cat bites the heads off mice and birds and leaves the bodies in tack. I know they don't eat the heads, so its pretty cold blooded really.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:47 am 
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Qanda wrote:
I'm curious. Can some of you vegeterians fill me in on your personal convictions against meat-eating? Or are there religious reasons behind them?

I'm very strongly against animals being treated cruelly for my meals.

And Jen, I don't eat dairy or eggs because animals still are not treated well when the eggs, milk etc are taken from them.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:04 am 
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Ya know... a lot of the argument i've seen thus far for being a vegetarian is that the animals aren't treated well enough. I can tell you this much, for the area I live in, and from the farmers that supply my meat (other then fish, I don't buy my meat from large chain supermarkets), the animals are well treated.
The cows, live happily out on farms. I know the cattle that live on my farm, have quite a few acres of pasture to traverse, they're human friendly, they're well kept. As are most of the cattle I know of. Those that aren't well kept are dealt with by the ASPCA, same with any poorly kept animal. The chickens that I eat, are true free range birds. They have a pen, yes, but thats to keep them safe from being eaten by creatures such as coyotes and hawks. They're well kept birds.
But you know...
What is the limit?
These animals aren't pets. These animals are being raised for food, it's what they've been bred to do. And whats more frightning, is that these animals, without the help of humans, would die. When we lose our need for a certain breed or species of animal that we have created, it dies.
There are quite a few breeds of farm animals that are dying out now, chickens, pigs, cows, horses sheep and even dogs, that are dying out as breeds, because we simply do not use them anymore. Many were made centuries ago, and were never large populations; but they're still amazing creatures. And now, because we aren't eating them, and because we aren't using them, they're dying.
Is that fair?
That we create something, and then because we stop eating it and what has been created to keep it (in the case of dogs), dies.
It takes up space, and a lot of patience, to keep many species of 'food' animal. Most of the herd species (sheep/cattle/goats/horses), cannot live by themselves safely. Cows go mad (wild cattle do as well), without companions. And horses do very strange things when they're all alone.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say "don't be a vegetarian, because then you'll still be killing animals" but I am trying to say, that we have made a certain standard for many of these 'food animals'. We have made them arguably dumb (in comparison to humans), and we do have a right to continue eating them. To continue propagating their species, as we have done before.
It's not cruel to everyone who eats them. As i've already said, my brother works in a slaughterhouse, I know how everything is kept, and everything is killed. Be it pig, horse, sheep, or cow. And I can tell you this, that the slaughtering plant where my brother works? I've been there. Yes, animals die there, but they aren't ill kept at the plant. They have space, they have food, they have water. And it's all clean.
You hear about the horror stories of animals being mistreated before they're killed. But you never hear about the ones that aren't.
And I think thats something people should remember.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:29 am 
Beyond Godly
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snippet wrote:
Part of it is because I am a Christian.

Where in Christianity was eating meat or killing animals banned? In fact, sacrifices of animals to God were the norm in old testament times.

Sorry but I am a bit tired of people misinterpreting Christianity for what it isn't. :roll: If anyone wishes to take this issue further, you may do so via PM since I believe religious debates are not allowed here.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:32 am 
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I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I have been one for over a year now. I'm trying to turn vegan, as there are many, many substitutes for dairy products and eggs these days. I hate eggs anyway. Well, by themselves. In bread or whatever, they're fine.

For the record, I don't support what PETA does, though I do agree with some of what they say. Many people I've met happily bash all vegetarians and vegans, saying we're a bunch of PETA-loving freaks.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:44 pm 
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Inrun: I used to live across from a very well run dairy farm. It's why milk and dairy products don't bother me, and why chances are I'd never be a vegan.

However, there is a part of me that knows not all dairy farms are like that. It was a small family run farm, it was easy to run well. The bigger ones...

I understand that if everyone stopped eating meat, it would have a negative impact on the animals raised for that purpose. However, eating meat doesn't have a very positive impact on them, either.

For myself, I find the slaughter of animals unnecessary in my diet. I understand that some people do not feel the same way. Eating meat is their choice, just as not eating it is mine. (And I do respect you for not buying meat from large chain supermarkets.)

Medli: Read the ingredients, if you're worried. It's not hard to find vegetarian cheese (at least, not here), or ice cream without those other colours, flavours, and preservatives, especially if you stick to vanilla. Er, then again, I'm not much of one for variety in my brands. But yea, read the labels, it's not as bad as it seems. =)

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:24 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Qanda wrote:
snippet wrote:
Part of it is because I am a Christian.

Where in Christianity was eating meat or killing animals banned? In fact, sacrifices of animals to God were the norm in old testament times.

Sorry but I am a bit tired of people misinterpreting Christianity for what it isn't. :roll: If anyone wishes to take this issue further, you may do so via PM since I believe religious debates are not allowed here.

There is a lot in the Bible about not eating animal flesh in both testaments. Cruelity to animals is wrong and that is also stated.
I have been to slaughter houses also and know people that have farms. And the way they kill the animals is inhumane. Though killing is not humane anyway, still there is more humane ways of doing it.
At most farms, specially factory ones, animals are living in small spaces. Many do not get feed properly either. Hormones and other things that they recieve is not proper food for the animals.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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You have no idea how much this thread made me crave eggs ;)

I'm not a Vegitarian. *shrug* Probably never will be. I love bacon sandwiches too much <3

And to add to what Inrun said - My Grandad used to keep chickens to sell the Eggs and all that, and they were free range. They weren't kept in tiny pens, they had a roomy part fenced off for them with a little bit of grass, and a warm shed with those little hay things to sleep in. They had plenty of food and water, and the only reason they couldn't go running around everywhere was that there were foxes and all that.

Not all free range egg supplier peoples keep their chickens in bad conditions.

that's me.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:54 pm 
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SpiraLethe wrote:
Which reminds me, domesticated cats like to kill rodents and birds, if they're let out to roam. They don't usually eat them, either.

That's instinct. Humans don't instinctly go out and kill people or animals.

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