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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:53 am 
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Ixistant wrote:
Well, one time my big sisters friend got a McChicken Sandwich from McDonalds and she ate about half of it then started to feel sick. So she wrapped the rest of it up and put it in the back of her car because she couldn't find a bin. But she went to her work. So at her work she started spewing all over the place. Her boss told her to go to the hospital so she drove her car to the A&E and when she got there she was pale as a sheet. The doctor took one look at her and admitted her to the ospital for tests. He asked her if she'd eaten anything and she told him about the McChicken Sandwich and how it was in her car. So the doctor wqent and got it and he found that the chicken had a large ulcer on it and my sisters friend had eaten half the ulcer. *Misses Mr. Green*

That sounds like an urban legend I've heard. Where McDonald's chicken sandwiches were bad b/c the chicken would have big pussfilled things on them and ppl would think it was mayo or something like that.

Uhm.... hmm.. well.. I've eaten moldy bread before. Didn't know it was until it was too late.

Was also eating a sandwich one day when I flipped it over for some reason and saw a roach leg stuck to it. UGH I didn't eat bread for a long time after that.

When I was younger.. my dad used to always buy grape soda... and being young.. I'd drink straight out of the bottle.
So one day, I was drinking out of the bottle and what do I see after I'm done and I'm screwing the top back on?
A HUGE black dead roach floating in it.
I haven't had grape soda since then.

I was cooking some eggs once and when I cracked one open there was blood inside of it.

And I will not eat chicken at KFC any longer (haven't for years now). Every single time I had been there before, the chicken is never.. NEVER cooked thoroughly. And I usually end up getting sick b/c of it.

((((WARNING!!!!!! This next one is really nasty... you've been warned!)))))

When I was really young... I was cooking some of that cheapo ramen you can buy at the grocery store (none of the brands today but still cheap like them).
So I cook it.. and everything is alright... I put it in a bowl and to my horror after I've eaten some of it...some of those noodles were MOVING. Not sure exactly what it was.. but I do know that they were some sort of parasite b/c well... a few days later they made an appearance again when I went to the bathroom. I quickly told my dad and got medicine for it.
I was young but I still remember shaking like a leaf and just being scared to death when that happened.

Something that happened to my mom.
My parents were in Florida. They had been in the US for a few days and decided to go to this restraunt.
My mom ordered a hamburger.
They bring the food out and she starts eating it.
She tells my dad that it tastes funny so she opens it up and it's covered with worms.
I asked my mom if it could've been maggots but she said it wasn't... just some type worm. BLEH...

Also... one day a few months ago, I was visiting my mom.
I was being nosey and looking through her fridge when I noticed this dark dark brown "thing" sitting in her fridge.
I picked it up and looked at it b/c it was shaped like an egg, but was dark dark brown (almost black) and looked like gellatin.
So I ask her what it is.. and guess what... IT IS AN EGG!!! :o
OMG I started freaking out asking her why the heck it was that color for.
So she takes it from me.. takes it out of the plastic wrap it's in and takes this humongous bite out of it. *barfs*
She then shows it to me and I swear the yolk in it was straight up black.
She did eat the rest of it and she said it was like medicine or some stupid junk like that.... pfffttt.. yeah right :roll:
Just...... yuck!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:36 am 
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Wow, some of these stories are very... interesting.

I remembered another one worth mentioning. I was at a camp once, and since it was 2 weeks long, it fell to us 'kids' to make the food under supervision.

It wasn't a great idea, because, after taking a few bits of white rice, I look in the bowl and see some white gum there. Some mongrel had taken a bit of gum and stuck it into the rice. I didn't tell anyone though, just quietly tipped the food on the floor.

KFC = evilness

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:23 am 
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I remember last summer my brother was about to bite into a mini apple pie, but a second before, an ant crawled out of the wee hole in the middle. :o

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:35 am 
Beyond Godly
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Shollia wrote:
Also... one day a few months ago, I was visiting my mom.
I was being nosey and looking through her fridge when I noticed this dark dark brown "thing" sitting in her fridge.
I picked it up and looked at it b/c it was shaped like an egg, but was dark dark brown (almost black) and looked like gellatin.
So I ask her what it is.. and guess what... IT IS AN EGG!!! :o
OMG I started freaking out asking her why the heck it was that color for.
So she takes it from me.. takes it out of the plastic wrap it's in and takes this humongous bite out of it. *barfs*
She then shows it to me and I swear the yolk in it was straight up black.
She did eat the rest of it and she said it was like medicine or some stupid junk like that.... pfffttt.. yeah right :roll:
Just...... yuck!

I believe that is a century egg. It is a common and cheap delicacy here. :D It has a distinct taste which may seem weird to first-time eaters. ;) Oh and I forgot to say it is totally edible and safe to eat.

Asians have the most interesting foods. You puny westerners don't have the stomach for it. :evil:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:44 am 
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If you dont wanna get sick don't look down

Im warning you!


'Kay here goes. The grossest thing I have ever seen is when I went to lunch at Mc Donalds. I went with my dad and his co-worker. Anyway my dads coworker bought one of those shake salads or something and when he shooke it up there was a chicken head it it! Eyes and everything! It made me wanna puke! I have never eaten at Micky D's again! *puke* god we need a puke smiley.

See you shouldn't have read it. :roll:


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:41 pm 
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Every day of last week I had a hot Raspberry drink conisting of a Raspberry Crusha which is out of date by 2 years(it has the year 2003 on it) and Hot Water. Somehow I wasn't sick at all. Maybe I have strong stomach.

Here is picture of the Raspberry Crusha drink

The grossest thing I know of is when I was reading a newspaper article about a person who was eating a Topic bar and they try a finish off the topic but something very hard in the Topic bar the person is trying to bite into. It turns out that hard thing was half of a dead rat that somehow got mixed into the chocolate and other that are in the Topic bar.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:04 am 
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Location: Ahm. M'not entirely sure, come to think about it...
I once ate a blackberry with a spider on it. I spat the blackberry out, but not before I'd eaten the spider. It was really gross, but it didn't taste that bad.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:15 am 
Beyond Godly
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Woah, some gross stories here. >.>

I love KFC though, I don't think they undercook their chicken. =\

Nothing THAT gross happened to me, I drank like a two year old soda once, (it was in a can) and it tasted normal. =\

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:25 am 
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watericesage wrote:
Nothing THAT gross happened to me, I drank like a two year old soda once, (it was in a can) and it tasted normal. =\

Stuff like that normally has so many preservatives, that it'll take years and years to go bad o.O; like ketchup, haha.

I eat old candy all the time:) I never finish my hallowe'en candy, so I'm always eating it months later^_^ hehe.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:55 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Probably anytime I've eaten from the $2 shop, its chocolate is usually thoroughly expired.

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