Unot wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Hmm. That reminds me of our old french teacher.
Her: "SOMEONE" *glares at me* "HAS LEFT RUBBISH ON THE FLOOR" *points to miniscule piece of paper* "NO-ONE SHALL LEAVE UNTIL IT IS PICKED UP" *glares at me again*
Bear in mind that this was her first lesson in the school?

I know they're pains, but eventually they settle down a little and stop being such meanieheads.
I had a french techer who just left school who was just like that! She was a crazy person!!!
...Does lexington traditional magnet school ring a bell?
Magnet school? Oo
Well, she was short..blonde...glasses...AND STOLE MY NEAR BIRTHDAY :O
How dare she!
Oooh, and this one time, I went to this thingy for 2 weeks in the summer holidays (turned out to be really crappy) and there was this horrible woman there, with a grudge against me.
She told a girl off for waiting for me.
She called me greedy when I had 2 biscuits. -blink-
She gave me filthy looks.
She made me re-do this drawing thing, because she "didn't believe it was finished", even though any more colour on it would make it look revolting (I ruined it that way, to spite her .>), and it was during this thing on trampolines, so I missed out entirely on that.
She called all of us girls (and I quote) "Little smurf" when we went camping. Tch. She should know the materials on tents aren't exactly soundproof.
When we went camping, she wouldn't let my friend go to the toilet, because there was about 3 of them needing the loo, and they had said "Yeah, but she won't believe us if we go together" and she heard them, jumped to the wrong conclusion, and shouted at them. One girl was crying, she was so desparate for the loo, and then she let them go...
She insulted my friend, who's parents are teachers at the school we were using. Really out of line comments. "Are you deaf then?!" "What level did you get on your Year 6 Sats? *5* Well, the markers must have made a mistake then."
Honestly - if you don't like kids, don't apply for the job.