Depends of what kind of style of debating; the one I do is world's style and I may be a bit of a help there

I'll just tell you some now and see if it's the one you need.
-3 speakers on each team, first, second, third and perhaps a reply speech which is usually done by the first or second speaker on the team
-order of speaking is usually: first prop, first opp, second prop, second opp, third prop, third opp, reply opp, reply prop
First speaker (proposition): introduce caseline, put a strong, solid case, extend points, elaborate,
define motion.
First speaker (opposition): rebut first prop, put on own argument. Try to create clash between both teams so the debate is more fun and we can see how this opposes that and etc.
Second speaker (prop): rebut, own points, elaborate blahblahblah. It is possible for the second speaker to ultimately kill the opposite team if s/he can argue against the fundamental case the opposition puts and hence able to turn the tables around and put own team on the winning side.
Second speaker (opp): rebut, own points, elaborate, basically same as second prop
Third speaker (prop): mainly rebut; if there are any new points, make sure it's brought out in the beginning else it would be too late and this is not good stratedgy. Third speaker should spend most time rebutting the opposition and pwning them.
Third speaker (opp): same as prop
Reply speeches:
no new points should be brought out in the reply speeches. All you have to do is say why the opposition's case does not stand and why yours does.
Points of Information:
This is when you would like to make a point on what a speaker says. You interrupt their speech and give the point to either challenge or say something of your opinion on it. You can either be accepted or declined.
You are marked on the following:
This is what your speech is about. General knowledge would be helpful, but it's what you can say about your case and how well you are able to support it with evidence and such.
This is how you place your arguments throughout a speech and a team.
This is absolutely personal. Each individual would have their own style; good style would be able to make the audience listen to you and it's how well you can present your case. You can be humourous, serious, use irony etc etc etc.
I think I missed out a lot but hey

I'm tired.