I've been out all afternoon with my friends... being distracted.
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:
Ate odds? o_o;;
Yes because making fun of my errors after I lose two birds I love is such an appropriate and considerate thing to do.
I'd reply to everyones posts, but I don't have that much time, so i'll thankyou for all of them. I've had eight hours to calm down, and just... rest after this. It was quite a shock when it happened, and how. I'll agree that Mara probably died of a broken heart. But that doesn't make it any easier on me, though i'm sure it's easier then her living alone.
As to the possibility of a gas leak, I still have two other budgies. They're not dead. It wouldn't have been the location, since the budgies are often hung there depending on whats going on.
I also live in a purely resedential area. No factories, no loud car booms. Nothing. No sounds that would have done it. She was distressed before I picked her up. She watched when I took him out, and she did try to bite me then. So.
I doubt bird flu as well, since it has yet to make it this far in where I live if i'm not mistaken. And as well, I doubt West Nile. It's (as of yet) to be reported in any pet birds in Alberta (unless i'm misinformed). As well the food has never bothered them before. Same food for years, plus fruit and vegetables, that are always washed in hot water, throughly before being given to the birds.
Theres nothing that myself, or my parents can think of, that would have changed, or caused their deaths. It happens, I suppose. We've still got the other two birds, and they're enjoying fighting over apple rings. This summer, when it's warm out, we'll look at picking up another couple birds. It's very quiet in the house with only the two birds.
Again, thankyou for all the well wishes. It's been a long day.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.